Users Guide to Budget Planning System (BPS) 2017-18 Planning & Budgeting
Budgets assignments A list of the 7 digit program-organization budget codes, (e.g., 012-2202), with the budget assignment code and individual assigned to the budget has been reviewed and approved by the vice-presidents and has been distributed to the individuals on the list.
Web based BPS BPS is located on the website under the forms directory. It is the 5th item listed under the Business and Finance section
Logging in Use your Bates user name and password – the same credentials that you use to log into your computer at the beginning of each day.
What you see What budgets you have access to is determined by the budget assignment code. Only your budgets will be available in the drop down selection box.
Getting the lay of the land We ask that you notify the Budget office if there is any problems with the information on the Salary and Wages tab. The Employee Benefits tab automatically calculates based on the information in the Salary and Wages tab.
To grant access to staff or faculty to budgets within your assignment code, click the Delegate Rights Wizard button.
A new window will pop up in which you can select a person from the drop down list that you want to delegate rights for this budget.
That will take you to this screen where you can grant access to all your budgets or you can pick and choose which budgets you want that person to have access.
Then it will give you this screen where you can confirm the changes, go back to edit the changes or you can cancel your changes.
The Other Expenditures tab is where you are most likely to make changes. To shifting funding between sub-objects within a budget or between two budgets that you control you need to click on the Make Changes button.
Depending on your level, (Dept Depending on your level, (Dept., Admin or VP) the Adjust column will then let you make changes. You can either enter the amount you want to change in the Adjust column or you can enter the new total in the Reqst column and it will do the math for you. Please always add notes explaining the changes you are making – add your initials & date. And remember to click save changes.
If you need an object code that isn’t already part of your budget you will need to click on the Add New Other Expenditures Entry button.
A new window will pop up like this and you will need to fill in the blanks, (Fund, Obj. and Description). After you have filled out the info, click Save & Close.
Then it will add that object to your Other Expenditures tab take you back to the planning sheet where you can now click on Make Changes and enter an amount you would like to be set out for that object. It is important that your adjustments net to zero in the Budget Planning System. If you are adding to Mileage, you have to make an reduction somewhere else. This is why the notes explaining the changes are so important – especially if you are shifting funds between multiple budgets that you oversee.
The Operating Revenues tab is where you would enter revenue from student fees or from shop jobs. It is important in budgets with revenues that they net to zero. In other words, revenue and expenditures are equal. The best way to check this is to click on the View Planning Sheet button. If you are making a significant change to your revenue estimate, make sure to add notes to explain the increase.
A new window will pop up with all the detail for your budget including the totals. I review these to be sure the revenue budget is reasonable compared to this year and last year. So again, if you are making a change, please be sure to include notes to explain the reasoning for the change. I would also recommend you print these pages and keep a copy.