Show off your skill on your final project
Final Project- How it works You will pick one type of final project to do. Your choices will come from the following slides During class for the next week you will be working on finishing your final project Each day you will fill out a digital journal page about your project. Your project will be Due Friday May 19th.
You will pick one type of project. Types of Projects You will pick one type of project.
Video Game Design Program: Scratch, Kodu, Java, any platform Game: Your game has to include Directions on how to play. Goal- What is the point of the game (how to win) 1- Main Character or object (i.e avatar, paddle, mouse pointer) Way to loose As least 1 level
Digital Art Create a 3-4 piece art collection Use a program to produce digital art. Create a journal for each of your art pieces using a word document. Journal entries will include Title of piece, program used, a short explanation of the piece. You may use any of these programs to produce a digital art collection Photoshop Wavesilk Paint Pixie
Pixel Art Use a pixel art creator to create a pixel art piece. Print out your piece. Create your piece using Perler beads. Take a picture of your digital piece and your perler bead piece in one picture. Turn the picture into your H: Drive
Digital Music Using Audacity create a 5 song mini album. Each song must be in .wav format Each song is 1 minute 30 seconds to 3 minutes long Songs must be original creations (do not copy music.) Put the songs into one folder in your H: Drive
Digital Photography Collage Create a 5-10 picture album using pixie or photoshop Include at least 1: Portrait, Shadow image Create a shot journal for each of your photographs Journal entries will include Shot #, Subject Name, Time and Date taken, Camera Taken with, Title of piece, Was the piece Photoshop edited or original? Make sure photos show composition Rule of thirds Main Focus
Mini Junk Bot If you choose to do a brush bot Mrs. Werner will give you a directions sheet. Fill out the maker journal for each step of your project. Make a Brush Bot 1 motor from an old cell phone or electric toothbrush (also available at Radio Shack) 1 disc battery 2 pieces of wire (can be already connected to the motor) 1 head of a toothbrush Electrical Tape You can construct this at home or in class.
Digital Citizenship Create a media item dealing with Digital Citizenship Use digital compass as a reference. You can create a poster, commercial, song, etc. Include items such as: Digital Responsibility Anti-cyberbullying message Cyber Security and personal information protection
Photoshop Shoes Use 5 of the Photoshop Templates and design your own shoe line. Color each layer of the shoe Using photoshop create a logo for your shoe brand. Save your designs into a folder on your H: Drive
3d Design and Print Use paper or a drawing program to plan out your 3D print idea Fill out the 3D design Journal to explain the print you are creating Use a 3d design software to create a 3D design Save the design in .stl format Bring the deign to Mrs. Werner or save on your H: drive and have it printed. Software you can use. 3D Builder Tinkercad
Video Project Per Group 1 Movie Project Proposal per group (Approved by Mrs. Werner) 1 Script or Storyboard per group Each Group Member 1 Movie project Reflection page for each Group member Shot and Angle Identification time sheet Your Movie Must Have… a Title and Credits Screen Be 30 seconds to 2 minutes long Have audio either speaking or music Use 5 Different shots or Angles learned in class Formatted in MP4 (Movie Maker)
Other You are welcome to come up with another idea. Do get your idea cleared: Write a paragraph about your idea Submit to Mrs. Werner for approval. Your idea will need to be connected to a learning goal. (Mrs. Werner will help with this connection.