The Relationship between Leadership Philosophy and the Establishment of a Caring Environment Module 4 NGR 6725
What is a Nursing Leadership Philosophy Your values Concepts that are important to you Your vision Your beliefs
Questions to ask yourself in Framing a Nursing Leadership Philosophy What do you believe nursing and nursing management to be? What unique skills and talents do nurses bring to patients? What do you believe about your responsibilities to patients and staff as a leader? What is your commitment to education – that of your staff and your own?
Questions to ask yourself in Framing a Nursing Leadership Philosophy What values in your life are so important that they are integral to how you function as a leader? What do you believe about self care for yourself and others? What is your responsibility within the context of the business organization? What ethical values frame your leadership style?
How Caring can help Frame your Leadership Philosophy Caring is or should be a core value of Nursing. Caring Behaviors are equally important with staff and patients. Organizations that demonstrate caring behaviors have better strategic outcomes.
Major Ingredients of Caring in Nursing Leadership Knowing – self, staff, what matters, being competent as a leader. Alternating Rhythms – the ability to lead in multiple ways if needed. Patience – allowing others to grow – accepting ambiguity. Honesty – the ability to confront oneself as a leader. Trust – trusting others to grow in their own way at their own time. Humility Hope Courage Adapted from On Caring – Milton Mayeroff
Caring Nursing Leadership Behaviors shape the Environment “Assumptions on which Nursing as Caring is built serve as stabilizers for the organization. These assumptions directly influence the climate of the organization and serve as organizational pillars. The climate of the organization is is determined by the beliefs and values of the persons within it”. P. 35. Anne Boykin and Savina O. Schoenhofer (2001) Nursing as Caring.
Why is Caring Not a Value in all Healthcare Environments? Rapid Technological Advances with an emphasis on high tech versus high touch. Financial pressures on organizations have led to a focus on the ability to manage the bottom line versus soft skills. Many Nursing Leaders no longer speak or act through a “Nursing Lens” . Lack of a sense of community among staff in many healthcare environments today due to large number of part-time, per diem, agency and traveler staff.
The Six Structural Components of the Caring Nursing Practice Model Commitment Being There for The Other out of Concern for the Other Truly Listening Leads to Truly Knowing and Responding to That Which Matters Nurturing Persons as Caring Through Unique Expressions of Caring Value Experienced from Mutuality of the Experience Valuing Contributions of Other Members of the Healthcare Team Dr. Anne Boykin Research Findings JFK Medical Center 2002
Ray and Turkel – Bureaucratic Caring
Current Nursing Practice Within an Economic Context From Turkel & Ray, 2000, p. 309 *
Nurse, Patient, Administrator Relationship – Turkel & Ray *
Relational Complexity: Cocreating the Future From Turkel & Ray, 2000, p. 310 *
Ray and Turkel References Ray, M. A. (1989). The theory of bureaucratic caring for nursing practice in the organizational culture. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 13(2), 31-42. Ray, M. A., Turkel, M. C., & Marino, F. (2002). The transformative process for nursing in workforce redevelopment. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 26 (2), 1-14. Turkel, M. C. (2007). Dr. Marilyn Ray's theory of bureaucratic caring. International Journal for Human Caring, 11(4), 57-74. Turkel, M. C., & Ray, M. A. (2000). Practice applications. Relational complexity: A theory of the nurse-patient relationship within an economic context. Nursing Science Quarterly, 13(4), 307-313. *