Minneapolis Public Schools Finance Office FY17 BUDGET BASICS Minneapolis Public Schools Finance Office
DRAFT Timeline for FY 16-17 Budget January – Preliminary budget work completed Early February – Allocations are sent out February 15- March 4 – Budget Tie-Out Process March 7 – April 1 – Budget Tie-out files approved April – May – Final budget work completed June 14 – Budget presented to Board June 28 – Board votes on Budget adoption
Current Budget Timeline January Budget planning and priorities set February Allocations Released March Community Engagement and feedback Apr-May Board reviews budget Final Revisions June BOE Votes new Budget
How Does MPS Budget? Budget development begins Enrollment Projections Revenue Projections Expenditure Projections Budget development begins with assumptions and projections
Where does the money come from? Referendum (Voter approved property tax) Levies (property tax) Student Formulas (state funds) Federal Programs (Title I and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for Special Education) Other funding (grants such as Cargill STEM and McKnight)
Categorical Funds MPS uses Compensatory $52.1M Achievement & Integration $15.6M Special Education $62M English Learners $5.5M Gifted & Talented $0.5M Extended Learning $9.4M State & Local Grants $19.5M Federal Programs $40.5M
2016-17 General Fund Revenue
Revenue Projections General Education Revenue is received based on enrollment projections of adjusted pupil units Adjusted Pupil Units – The number of students served adjusted for the students open enrolled in other districts. Students K-6 count as a 1.0 and students 7-12 count as 1.2 General Education Formula current rate $6,067 per Adjusted Pupil Unit. These dollars are intended for the operation of the school district and are not designated by the State for a specific purpose. This is not the amount that is given to schools in their allocations. Compensatory Aid Formula given based on students receiving Free/Reduced lunch
Revenue Projections Other Categorical funds are received that must be used for specific purposes Special Education Integration Aid Title I English Learners Career and Technical Education Aid Safe Schools levy Referendum dollars
FY 16-17 Revenue Projections Local Taxes (Levy) $115.3M Other Revenue (3rd Party billing, rental of $ 17.8M school facilities, earning investment) State Aid (Gen Ed, Literacy, Contract Alt) $329.3M State Support (Spec Ed, State grants) $ 70.0M Federal grants $ 40.5M Federal Indirect $ 1.0M Sale of Bonds (Cycle of Replacement) $ 4.0M Total General Fund Revenue $577.9M
Title I Budget The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), currently authorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, is federal legislation that promotes student achievement through school and district reform. ESSA requires each state to develop and implement a system for holding all districts and schools accountable for the education of students and has strict guidelines on how the dollars can be used. 2015-16 Budget was $21,530,846 which included carryforward of $1.8M 2016-17 Budget is projected to be approximately $17.9 million
Title I Budget Reductions are occurring because: Poverty level in Minneapolis is decreasing while the State’s is increasing MPS State of MN MDE has indicated they are holding back a larger amount for administration of the program. 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 61.7% 61.8% 63.5% 64.4% 64.8% 65.3% 64.6% 64.0% 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 35.6% 36.7% 37.3% 38.3%
Expenditure Projections In order to achieve a “Structurally Balanced” budget, expenditures cannot be more than the revenue projection. MPS is committed to developing a structurally balanced budget each year.
Several Priorities for General Fund FY 16 FY 17 TBD Office of Black Male Achievement $1.0M Lower Class Size $6.5M Prog Adjustment $14.0M Time Adjustment $5.4M Office of Black Male Achievement $ Lower Class Size $ Prog Adjustment $ Time Adjustment $
Priorities - Referendum Dollars FY 16 FY 17 TBD Class Size $51.9M EL Classrooms $6.4M EL Itinerant Staff $0.1M Reading & Math Specialists $9.6M Instr Coach for Contract Alt $0.1M Science Centers $0.7M Textbook Adoption $2.7M Instructional Technology $2.5M $74M Class Size $ EL Classrooms $ EL Itinerant Staff $ Reading & Math Specialists $ Instr Coach for Contract Alt $ Science Centers $ Textbook Adoption $ Instructional Technology $ $77M
How Schools Get Allocations Compensatory - based on State formula of Free/Reduced priced lunch. English Learners - MPS uses a combination of State and Referendum dollars to allocate to schools based on where the English Learner sites are located. Special Education – citywide programs (i.e. Autism or Emotional Behavior Disorders. Integration – determined by plan approved by MN Department of Education Class Size– allocated based on targeted class size. Title I – allocated on a per pupil amount based on free/reduced priced meals K 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Poverty < 65% 24 25 26 32 36 High Proverty F&R >65% 22 23 28 High Priority 18
School Allocations Example
School Allocations Example
School Allocations Example
School Allocation Example
Fund Balance Fund Balance - is a “reserve” in the General Fund use for unexpected matters to help budget continue to be balanced. The District fund balance policy is to maintain an unassigned reserve equal to 8% – 13% of expenses. Our current general fund unassigned fund balance is $49.4 million which is 8.6% of expenses.
QUESTIONS MPS.Finance@mpls.k12.mn.us