Hungarian tertiary education system
Ratio of graduates Tertiary educational attendance has grown rapidly over the years both in Hungary and in the more developed countries, but the gap between them has remained.
Regional differences Although there is a rise in the number of university students in Hungary there are big differences between the different regions of the country.
Hungarian educational system
Bologna Process The Education Ministers from 29 European countries decided to harmonise and unify their Higher Education. It has resulted in the Bologna Process which currently has 47 participating countries among them Hungary. The aim: Easily comparable system A Higher Education system which is based on 3 main cycles ( bachelor, master and doctor) Mobility - You can travel abroad to study easily
Admission to tertiary institutions Te get into a higher education institutions you must successfully pass the upper secondary school leaving examination (at standard or advanced level). Admission is decided according to a score system which is made up of the secondary school leaving examination results and the secondary school performance of students.
Financing Higher education institutions may offer state funded and fee-paying places for applicants. The number of state funded places determined by the government every year.
Propotion of financing
The rates of the state-financed and fee paying
Forms of tertiary traning High School Undivided Training Bachelor Higher Vocational Education Master Specialized Training Doktorate (PhD)
Proportion of students by degree level
Higher education courses
Bachelor and Master programmes Bachelor: BA/BSc programmes of 6 to 8 semesters (ISCED 5A, 180-240 ECTS credits) lead to a first degree Master: Master level programmes (ISCED 5A, 60-120 ECTS credits) of another 2 to 4 semesters require a first degree as admission criterion. The pre-requisite to entering doctoral programmes (ISCED 6) is a MA/MSc degree.
Undivided training There are a few fields of tertiary education (e.g. law and medical studies) where undivided long programmes remain the standard form of study (10 to 12 semesters, 300-360 ECTS credits) leading to a first degree but equivalent to a MA/MSc degree.
Advanced vocational programmes Short cycle advanced vocational programmes ( 120 ECTS credits) are relatively new in the Hungarian education system. These programmes can be provided both by higher education institutions and upper secondary schools. These programmes lead to an advanced vocational qualification but does not give a degree.
Post-graduate specialisation programmes Higher education also includes post-graduate specialisation programmes. You can do it after the bachelor and the master training. It doesn’t give a new degree.
PhD or DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) A PhD or DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) degree is can be obtained after a doctoral course which follows a Master course.
The rate of the candidates and the admitted
Hungarian towns with a university or a college
The Best Hungarian Universities Eötvös Lóránd University University of Szeged Semmelweis University Corvinus University of Budapest University of Debrecen BME
Top Hungarian universities
Eötvös Lóránd University The main faculties of the University: Faculty of Law Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Humanities (teacher and kindergarten teacher training) Faculty of Science The most popular courses are Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Education and Psychology in 2011.( Only in these 2 faculties the number of candidates is more than 12000.)
University of Szeged The main faculties of the University: Faculty of Health Care Faculty of Music - Faculty of Law - Faculty of Humanities - Faculty of Engineering
Semmelweis University The University is specialised in different Faculties of Health Science (For examle: doctors, dentists or pharmacists). This is the most famous university of doctors in Hungary.
Corvinus University of Budapest The main faculties of the university : Faculty of Food Science Faculty of Economics This University is famous for high level of economic education.
University of Debrecen The main faculties of the university: Faculty of Music Faculty of Law Faculty of Health Care Faculty of Economic Faculty of Humanities The most famous faculty is the Management Sciences and Rural Development. (The university has more than 35000 students.)
BME: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Foreign students in Hungary Hungarian colleges and universities have a long tradition of welcoming foreign students. The number of foreign students has considerably increased in the last few years.
Hungarian students abroad There are also many Hungarian students studying abroad. The most popular destinations are: Germany, France, Italy and Finland. Most scholarship holders went to study social sciences, business, law, fine arts or technical sciences.
Our students’ higher education plans