As you come in… Get out your materials for your #MidsummerNight’s project and begin working with your group.


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Presentation transcript:

As you come in… Get out your materials for your #MidsummerNight’s project and begin working with your group.

Act V, Scenes i Turn to page 143 Lovers: Others: Fairies: Mechanicals: Lysander Others: Hippolyta Theseus Fairies: Robin (Puck) Titania Oberon Mechanicals: Philostrate

Example thesis statement: With several female characters that don’t adhere to the stereotypical feminine roles of the time period, Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream is revolutionary in the way that it portrays gender. This tells me that you are going to explain “several female characters that don’t adhere to the stereotypical feminine roles of the time period” and you are going to further explain how that proves this story to be revolutionary.

How do each of these women defy gender stereotypes? Example thesis statement: With several female characters that don’t adhere to the stereotypical feminine roles of the time period, Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream is revolutionary in the way that it portrays gender. Body Paragraphs: Female character #1 Female character #2 Female character #3 How do each of these women defy gender stereotypes?

Homework Split up any remaining tasks for your #MidsummerNights project (due 4/6-7) Character Maps (due 4/10-12)