Monday, September 28, 2015 Take out a dark pen/marker Write your first name and last name initial on the left side of the popsicle stick On the right (on the same side as your name), place the number of your class period JESSICA S. 4
What is the Primary Reason to Study the Byzantines? Background Essay
Text Coding: What is it? Why is it important? How is it done?
Rome to Constantinople
Persian Empire
Danube River
Hagia Sophia
Primary and Secondary Sources Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources
Primary Source Firsthand, authoritative accounts (original information) of: events topics historical periods Examples: letters diary or journal entries original photographs speeches
Secondary Source Interpret, critique, analyze primary sources Created from primary sources Examples: textbooks essays/reviews encyclopedias
Author Bias When an author favors a particular position or belief. Bias Prezi Presentation
SPRITE S – Social P – Political R- Religious I – Intellectual T – Technology E - Economic
SPRITE S – Social P – Political R- Religious I – Intellectual T – Technology E - Economic