A Legacy of the Roman Empire The Byzantine Empire A Legacy of the Roman Empire
Warm Up (on your warm up page) 8.18.16 Paragraph 4-5 sentences Read pages 62-63. What Do You Think? Did People Benefit from Roman Rule?
Essential Questions How did the Byzantine Empire become rich and powerful? Why was the city of Constantinople important? How did Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora strengthen the Byzantine Empire?
Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toT4J4-FCEg
The New Rome After Rome was divided in A.D. 395, the eastern half became known as the Byzantine Empire. Extended west to Italy, south to Egypt, and east to the Arabian border. A diverse population – Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, Arabs, Armenians, Jews, Persians, Slavs, and Turks Under Emperor Justinian, laws improved, arts flourished, and the empire grew dramatically.
Constantinople Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople. Very successful due to location. It was located on a peninsula and had excellent harbors, at the crossroads of trade routes between Europe and Asia, and easy to defend – protected on three sides by the sea, and a large wall on the fourth side. Called "The New Rome" because it had government buildings and palaces in the Roman style and an oval arena (Hippodrome).
Rome's Influences Replaced by Greeks Rome influenced political and social life They spoke Latin. Enforced Roman laws Over time the Roman influence on the Byzantines declined. Greek influence increased. Greek language replaced Latin. Many cultures blended together to form Byzantine civilization.
A.D. 500 – A.D. 1200 The Byzantines developed one of the world's most advanced civilizations. They preserved and passed on Greek culture and Roman law to other peoples. They also brought Christianity to Eastern Europe.
Justinian Ruled the Byzantine Empire at the height of its power A skilled general and a strong leader Ruled from A.D. 527 until A.D. 565 Viewed as the greatest Byzantine Emperor Theodora Justinian's wife, participated actively in government Helped choose government officials Helped women win more legal rights
Legal Reforms Arts Military Conquests Created a simpler and better code of laws Justinian Code – basis for legal systems around world Arts Constructed churches, forts, and government buildings- Hagia Sophia Mosaics- patterns or pictures made from small pieces of glass or stone Military Conquests Conquered territories once part of the Roman Empire Italy, parts of Spain and northern Africa Justinian's Plague
Exit-Put on half sheet of paper Pick one Create four questions you would put on the quiz and answer them. Create a top 5 list of the most important facts of the lesson. 321 3-Things you found out 2-interesting things 1-question you still have What 5 words would you use to describe the time period discussed in class today? Explain and justify your choices. 5 Words