HERMIT KINGDOM Term that refers to a nation that cuts itself off from the outside world
Difference in the amount of trade imported verus the amount exported TRADE IMBALANCE Difference in the amount of trade imported verus the amount exported
Japan’s record period of growth post-WWII “ECONOMIC MIRACLE” Japan’s record period of growth post-WWII
Basic rights that all humans should enjoy HUMAN RIGHTS Basic rights that all humans should enjoy
Basic rights that all humans should enjoy HUMAN RIGHTS Basic rights that all humans should enjoy
Expressive Japanese art form used in cartoons ANIME Expressive Japanese art form used in cartoons
Focuses on spatial arrangement of a room or a building’s organization FENG SHUI Focuses on spatial arrangement of a room or a building’s organization
JAPANESE GARDENS Traditional gardens that attempt to make a miniaturized landscape in an ideal way
They take little to no skill HAIKU Haikus are simple They take little to no skill 3rd Graders do them -Mr. Jordan Haiku: Japanese short poetry 1st line= 5 syllables 2nd line= 7 syllables 3rd line= 5 syllables
KABUKI Japanese dance-drama with elaborate make-up and performances that dates back to early 1600s
Japanese traditional robe KIMONO Japanese traditional robe
Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes ORIGAMI Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes
Form of singing along to popular songs KARAOKE Form of singing along to popular songs