9B Unit 4 Life on Mars Task.


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Presentation transcript:

9B Unit 4 Life on Mars Task

Words and Expressions goods electronic entertainment n. [复] 商品,货品 adj. 电子的 n. 娱乐

1. To finish a guide to living on Mars on Page 19 2. To finish the the guide to living on Mars in the future 3. To write your own guide to living on Mars

How much do you know about Mars?

Mars 火星是太阳系九大行星之一,火星是距太阳的第四个行星,它的体积在太阳系中居第七位,是类地行星中距离太阳最远的一颗,位于地球和小行星带之间,它外观呈现出火红色,因而非常引人注目。火星有两颗小型天然卫星:火卫一和火卫二。 火星的表面沙砾遍地,十分荒凉沉寂,遍布遭陨星袭击后因撞击形成的坑坑洼洼。

Mars 火星平均气温为零下五十五摄氏度,温差较大:在夏季的昼间,气温最高为二十摄氏度,而在冬季,气温则可低达零下一百多摄氏度。 火星上经常有强风,因而常导致大范围的尘暴。它大气非常稀薄,它的主要成份是二氧化碳,其他成份还有氮、氩、氧等。水在火星大气中的比重只有百分之零点零三。因而火星表面异常干燥。

How much do you remember life on Mars?

Life on Mars 1 Transport: spacecraft, uncomfortable… Food, water, air: 3 Gravity: spacecraft, uncomfortable… Plants could grow on Mars, in the form of… three-eighths of that on the Earth, special boots prevent …from floating off…

Life on Mars 4 home 5 school Live in houses with huge comfortable rooms… robots do most of their work… online school, e-teachers, computers connected to an interplanetary network…

Discussion about Life on Mars Advantages of living on Mars It would be very interesting we could study at _______________. it is not so crowded, with much more _______. Travelling in space would be _____. online schools space fun

Discussion about Life on Mars Disadvantages of living on Mars We do not know if it is really safe. We might _______ from living there. It is ____________ from the Earth. There is not enough food, _______ or oxygen. There might be __________ aliens. get ill so far away water dangerous

Now use your imagination: What will life be like on Mars in the future?

Life on Mars Entertainment Money Transport Shopping T: Look at his flow chart. Then He finds a lot of good ideas for each subject./// Transport Shopping

Money ¥1 is worth around M$10 Electronic Stored in the ______________ 四Money: Planet Mars Bank /// Stored in the ______________ Planet Mars Bank

Entertainment Low-gravity _________________ Online games are very popular basketball games Entertainment 四Money: Planet Mars Bank /// Many _________________ visit the _________________ online theatres two moons

___________________ to find Space _______________ Lots of shopping malls clothes and food Shopping 四Money: Planet Mars Bank /// Goods from ___________________ to find the Earth are hard

Cars _______________ Comfortable Traffic with no ___________________ float in the air Transport 四Money: Planet Mars Bank /// Traffic with no ___________________ air pollution

Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First, help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks. a Cars float in the air e Many online theatres b Low-gravity basketball games f Planet Mars Bank c Traffic with no air pollution g Goods from Earth are hard to find d Space clothes and food h Visit the two moons f

Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First, help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks. a Cars float in the air e Many online theatres b Low-gravity basketball games f Planet Mars Bank c Traffic with no air pollution g Goods from Earth are hard to find d Space clothes and food h Visit the two moons b e h

Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First, help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks. a Cars float in the air e Many online theatres b Low-gravity basketball games f Planet Mars Bank c Traffic with no air pollution g Goods from Earth are hard to find d Space clothes and food h Visit the two moons a c

Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First, help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks. a Cars float in the air e Many online theatres b Low-gravity basketball games f Planet Mars Bank c Traffic with no air pollution g Goods from Earth are hard to find d Space clothes and food h Visit the two moons g d

Daniel is writing his draft. Help him complete it Daniel is writing his draft. Help him complete it. Use the information on page 62 to help you. On Mars, we use Mars dollars. We get about M$10 for every ¥1 , but we never see any of it ! Mars Dollars are electronic and are stored at the ________________. A very popular form of entertainment is online games. They make us feel like we are really inside the games! There are also many _______ theatres. There are __________to visit, nut most people may prefer to watch the amazing low-gravity ________________ instead. There are lots of ___________ on Mars. They sell ____________ and food. Most things are cheap on Mars. Goods from the earth are ___________. The public transport system is ___________, and it produces _______________. If you want to drive, you can buy a car which ______________! Life on Mars is interesting, isn’t it? Planet Mars Bank two moons online basketball games shops malls space clothes hard to find comfortable no air pollution floats in the air

feel like sth / doing sth /(that)+从句 Language points They make us feel like we are really inside the games! feel like 想要;感觉好像 feel like sth / doing sth /(that)+从句 1 我感觉像是感冒了。 _____________________________________________ 2 他感觉像到过火星。 3 如果你想要在这儿工作,请不要再迟到。 ______________________________________________ I feel like catching a cold. He feels like (that) he has been to Mars. If you feel like working here, please don’t be late again.


You also want to write a guide to living on Mars You also want to write a guide to living on Mars. First, make a spidergram like Daniel’s on page 62. Then write the guide and include some drawings. Sample writing: What will our life be like on Mars in the future? With the rapid development of hi-tech, the Mars will change a lot in many ways in the future. We'll completely live in the cyberspace. First, we find the Mars haven't been polluted. Air and water becomes more tidy and fresh than our earth. Second, if we want, we can study in the spaceship.

And people don't need to go to the factory to work, instead of working by computer at home. On the other hand, it is very easy for us to visit the Earth and other stars by riding spaceship. I hope all this can come true. But first, we must treasure and protect Mars and avoid it becoming another polluted earth. If all of us try our best to do it, we will enjoy our life.

Homework 1. Revise your composition. 2. Review the words and expressions we have learnt in this unit.