So, what is a Galaxy? A group of billions of stars, empty space, gas & dust, all held together by gravity! Great web site of life cycle and hr diagram
This is a galaxy. This is a galaxy. This is a galaxy. Great web site of life cycle and hr diagram This is a galaxy. This is also a galaxy
Did you notice that all galaxies don’t look alike? Click on picture for link!
elliptical shaped, no arms Elliptical Galaxies elliptical shaped, no arms old stars very little gas & dust
Spiral galaxies (Milky Way) disk shaped, lots of stars in center, arms wound around. Middle age stars, lots of gas & dust
MORE Spiral galaxies …..
Barred spiral galaxies disk shaped, arms wound around young stars –lots of gas & dust
Irregular galaxies Lacks symmetry, not a lot of stars, mostly gas & dust Could have formed from: the collision of two galaxies or 2) stars unable to organize
Collisions of galaxies… Irregular galaxies
The Milky Way Galaxy- Spiral Galaxy
Some Milky Way Facts.. Contains 100-400 billion stars part of the local group- 28 closest galaxies within 3 million light years the closest galaxy to us is 150,000 light years away
The Milky Way Galaxy The arms of the galaxy orbit the nucleus once every 200 million years.
The Milky Way Galaxy Our sun is 2/3 of the way out in one of the spiral arms.
100,000 light-years across 10,000 light-years thick (center) 3,000 light-years on the edge