Universe Galaxies & Stars Electromagnetic Spectrum STAAR Review – Day 7 Universe Galaxies & Stars Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Universe All the mass or matter that exist and contain galaxies, stars, solar systems, and all the space in between. We measure distances in space with light-years (distance light travels in one year.).
Galaxies Galaxies are made up of star clusters. Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy. Spiral Elliptical Irregular Spiral gal. have spiral arms. Elliptical gal. have the oldest stars. Irregular gal. have no specific shape.
Stars Stars are a massive ball of gases that contain tremendous amounts of electromagnetic energy due to the nuclear reactions that occur inside them. Stars have a life cycle that is graphed on the H-R Diagram. They are created in nebulae which are clouds containing dust and gases. The only star in our solar system is the Sun and it is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gases.
H-R Diagram – A map of a star’s life cycle
Electromagnetic Spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum are energy waves that register at different wavelengths that we categorize as visible light, x-rays, radio waves, microwaves, infrared and gamma rays. We use special telescopes to look at star emissions/waves (light) to determine the gases that make up the star, the star’s age, and the temperature of the star.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Star Emission Spectrum The star
Star Emission Spectrum