Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement over Fishing Students will read an article on over fishing SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Log into your assigned laptop and using Google chrome type in Read the article. Be prepared to discuss with the class. Learning Objective(s): I will understand that resources are not inexhaustible; some resources have finite limits and management of them is everyone’s responsibility TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Vincent Caldwell/ School: S.P. Arnett Louisiana State Standard: Analyze the consequences of human activities on ecosystems (SE-M-A4) Grade Level/Subject: 7th life science Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: informal questions from teacher to student Prerequisites for students: task1
A Over fishing quiziz Students take quiz that goes with the activity tragedy in the Making. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. . Log into your assigned laptop and using Google chrome type in . Click join game. Enter the 6 digit code written on the dry erase board. Enter your science nickname and password and click proceed. Your teacher will begin the quiz once all students have logged on. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): I can identify the pros and cons of technology on the environment. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Vincent Caldwell/ School: S.P. Arnett Louisiana State Standard: Analyze the consequences of human activities on ecosystems (SE-M-A4) Grade Level/Subject: 7th life science Special Directions/Considerations: teachers you can find over fishing by name or by vincentandkat Activity Evaluation: the questions with answers Prerequisites for students: task 1
M Over fishing graph Making a graph using data you collected MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Log into your assigned laptop and using Google Chrome type the following web page. Choose your type of graph. Click on data tab on the left. Fill in boxes with your data. Click on the preview tab on the left. If you are satisfied with the graph click print and save. Then click on Email and put your teachers Email and hit send. This task uses laptops Learning Objective(s): I will create a graph using data I have collected TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Vincent Caldwell/ School: S.P. Arnett Louisiana State Standard: Analyze the consequences of human activities on ecosystems (SE-M-A4), Communicate ideas in a variety of ways (e.g., symbols, illustrations, graphs, charts, spreadsheets, concept maps, oral and written reports, equations) (SI-M-A7) Grade Level/Subject: 7th life science Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: graph matches their data from activity in class Prerequisites for students: task 1,2
R Fish…Gone Fishing? Using an iPad click on the iMovie icon Students will create a iMovie and share with the class and use todays meet to collaborate REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Using an iPad click on the iMovie icon Set up the iMovie screen: Look to see that the top left window of iMovie is the Event Library, not Project Library (If not, click the arrows in the center bar on the left side of the screen.) Upper left of screen: Click: File - New Event Click in the highlighted box and name it with your name and topic of your project For example: Diane-Geranium (Keep file names simple, you will add a title within your Movie that will be different) Upper left of screen: Click: File- New Project Select a theme (choose no theme)—Music, special effects and themes can be added. Click in the “Name” box – type the same name as your event—with “Project” at end For example: Diane-Geranium-Project Click: create Film a awareness video on the issues over fishing Email video to teacher Visit teachers blackboard site watch classmates video Log on to your teachers blackboard site click on assignments Click on the assignment todays meet over fishing Comment on at least two other videos This task uses: IMovie Learning Objective(s): I will understand that the world is interconnected and the action of one nation has an effect on another TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Vincent Caldwell/ School: S.P. Arnett Louisiana State Standard: Analyze the consequences of human activities on ecosystems (SE-M-A4) Communicate ideas in a variety of ways (e.g., symbols, illustrations, graphs, charts, spreadsheets, concept maps, oral and written reports, equations) (SI-M-A7) Grade Level/Subject: 7th life science Special Directions/Considerations: teachers you can find the rubric for the iMovie on Rubi star under the tittle over fishing Activity Evaluation: rubric Prerequisites for students: task 1,2,3
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Vincent caldwell Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology Students will create a iMovie and share with the class and use todays meet to collaborate I will understand that the world is interconnected and the action of one nation has an effect on another IMovie Making a graph using data you collected I will create a graph using data I have collected Students take quiz that goes with the activity tragedy in the Making I can identify the pros and cons of technology on the environment Students will read an article on over fishing I will understand that resources are not inexhaustible; some resources have finite limits and management of them is everyone’s responsibility REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.