Welcome, introduce yourself and any fellow deliverers Make people aware of the fire drill if one is planned What to do in case of fire emergency exits and assembly point/s Encourage questions at any time Switch off mobile phones www.glosfire.gov.uk
Fire Deaths In The Southwest Report This report provided a summary of accidental fatal fires occurring within homes, in the South West of England, between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2013. The societal cost of a fire death in the home is estimated at over £1.65million; this highlights the massive potential benefit to society if these could be prevented. The report has been compiled using research data, from a total of 88 deaths, collected by fire investigators across each of the South West’s fire and rescue services. www.glosfire.gov.uk
Fire Deaths In The Southwest Report www.glosfire.gov.uk
Fire Deaths In The Southwest Report During the study of each fire death the presence of seven lifestyle or behavioural factors were identified as key influencers. www.glosfire.gov.uk
Fire Deaths In The Southwest Report Was a smoke detector present? In 61 of the 88 fatal cases (69%) a smoke detector was either not present or failed to raise the alarm. www.glosfire.gov.uk
The principles of a Safe & well visit Identification of risk while in the home and provision of brief advice to mitigate the risk. Provision of appropriate risk reduction equipment. Observing the home, looking for signs of cold, damp or poor heating & signposting occupiers to energy saving and cheaper fuel services. A ‘light touch’ health check of all individuals in the home. An assessment of mobility or frailty using the ‘Get Up and Go’ test and falls risk assessment tool. Signposting occupiers to GPs for flu vaccinations. Identifying social isolation and appropriately signposting and/ or referring the service user. Signposting and/or referral for specialist advice, support or equipment if appropriate (e.g. Telecare, sensory services, Age UK and GDA). The Fire Services in the South West have recently carried out a joint study which looked at 88 fire deaths. The report successfully identified common factors present in incidents resulting in death. During the study of each fire death, the presence of 7 lifestyle or behavioural factors were identified as key influences: Mental health Poor housing keeping Alcohol Smoking Drugs (prescription or illegal) Limited mobility Living alone In addition to these and one factor that can be linked to several others is age: Fire statistics indicate that FRS have been least successful in reducing fire deaths in the over 50 agecategory, the same section of our population that is set to increase dramatically. Deaths and injuries from fire will rise in proportion to the increases in numbers of older people. National Older Person’s Strategy – CFOA. Almost twice as many people over the age of 50 now die in dwelling fires in the UK each year compared to those under 50 Fire Statistics, UK 2010. National UK fire statistics (2005, CLG) identified that persons aged over 80 are almost three times more likely to die in a dwelling fire than people of ‘all ages’ Hampshire carried out a further study following 27 fire deaths and calculated that in the last three years the average fire fatality rate (accidental) amongst those known to adult services in Hampshire is approx 30 times greater than the fire fatality rate amongst the entire population of Hampshire. This is mirrored in our own fire deaths..... www.glosfire.gov.uk
Specialist equipment Smoke detectors (10 year life) Fire resistant bedding (duvet, pillow, 2 sets of covers and mattress cover) Fire resistant throws (for arm chairs and sofas) Extension leads (to replace block adaptors and/ or to prevent overloading of sockets) Dementia packs (inc. Memory cards and smoke alarm identifiers) Arson letterbox www.glosfire.gov.uk
Equipment from partner agencies Telecare (Telecare equipment supports people to live safely and independently at home. Using special sensors Telecare can detect potential emergencies at home, like falls, wandering, medication mismanagement, fire, flooding, carbon monoxide and gas leaks) Sensory services (Support, training and equipment for people with a hearing or visual impairment to increase safety and independence) www.glosfire.gov.uk
When to make a referral to us Refer if anyone in the household falls within any of the ‘fire death risk factors’ Refer if the answer is “NO” to any of the questions below: Do they have a smoke detector? Would they hear the smoke detector? Would they remember what to do if the smoke detector went off? Can they get out of their property? N.B. Permission should be obtained from the occupier before making referral www.glosfire.gov.uk
How to make a referral to us In the majority of visits we will require a joint visit particularly when the service user has memory issues. We are specialists in fire related risks but not necessarily in ‘vulnerability issues’ joint visits are often the most productive. APPROXIMATE SLIDE TIMING 5 MINUTES www.glosfire.gov.uk