THE BEGINING AgioFarms P.C established in 2013, aiming to produce and deliver high quality and nutritionally rich agricultural products, straight to the consumer’s table. Greenhouses and other main facilities are located in Agio Pneuma, Serres, North Greece. Agio Farms P.C established in 2013, aiming to produce and deliver very high quality and nutritional value vegetables, free from pesticide residues, straight to the consumers table. ΣΤ: THE BEGINING Agio Farms P.C established in 2013, aiming to produce and deliver high quality and nutritionally rich agricultural products, straight to the consumer’s table. Greenhouses and other main facilities are located in Agio Pneuma, Serres, North Greece.
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AgioFarms P.C. is actually the result of out effort to organize, systemize and commercialize an, over eight years of Research and Development process in Hydroponics, held in our facilities. At the foothills of Menoikio Mountain, a really inspiring area specially selected among others for it’s suitable environmental conditions, new greenhouses were set and old ones were made over to serve our vision and passion. Along with the rich experience and knowledge gained all these years in the production, sales and management fields, the decision to go to the next level was an easy case. Almost ten years of research and development were held in our facilities which are located in Agio Pneuma, Serres an inspiring area at the foothills of Menoikio Mountain. The commercialization of our experience led to the foundation of Agio Farms P.C. The area of Agio pneuna was selected among others as it possesses the suitable environmental conditions for the optimal growth of our plants. ΣΤ: RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Agio Farms P.C. is actually the result of out effort to organize, systemize and commercialize an, over eight years of Research and Development process in Hydroponics, held in our facilities. Along with the rich experience and knowledge gained all these years in the production, sales and management fields, the decision to go to the next level was an easy case. At the foothills of Menoikio Mountain, a really inspiring area specially selected among others for it’s suitable environmental conditions, new greenhouses were set and old ones were made over to serve our vision and passion.
HYDROPONICS Since day one, Hydroponics was our one and only choice. In search for optimum plant growth conditions all these years, several types of hydroponic substrates were systematically tested under all conditions possible. Different variations of hydroponic substrates and nutrient solutions were studied in order to achieve optimal conditions for plant growth. (((((((Resistance to pathogens and organoleptic characteristics of multiple hybrids were also determined. Finally, the acceptance of our products by the consumers was considered as they were supplied to the local markets. Collecting and evaluating these data enabled us to move our expansion plan forward and establish a larger scale company, Agio Frams P.C.)))))) The unique natural greek substrate for hydroponic cultivation, (the pumice stone substrate) “agroLAVA”, was finally selected. The agroLAVA pumice substrate has received the Ecolabel award reflecting its environment-friendly characteristics and the added value it offers to the crops which it grows. ΣΤ: HYDROPONICS Since day one, Hydroponics was our one and only choice. In search for optimum plant growth conditions all these years, several types of hydroponic substrates were systematically tested under all conditions possible. A natural greek substrate, a special for hydroponic cultivation pumice stone substrate, provided by the, ECOLABEL Certified “agroLAVA” company was finally selected and is used since. Moreover, resistance to pathogens and organoleptic characteristics of multiple hybrids were also determined while the degree of acceptance and satisfaction of our products by consumers was considered largely as they were supplied to the local markets. A natural greek substrate, a special for hydroponic cultivation pumice stone substrate, provided by the, ECOLABEL Certified “agroLAVA” company was finally selected and is used since.
CONTROL & MONITORING AgioFarms facilities are fully equipped with top level technology to meet quality standards at all stages and levels while advanced on-line methods are used for continuous control and monitoring of the environmental conditions of the greenhouses interior, in a 24/7 basis. (( Our company’s facilities operate in order to meet the highest technology and quality standards. ))))) Technologically advanced methods are used for continuously controlling and monitoring environmental conditions in the greenhouse. We are also capable of controlling these methods on a 24- hour basis on-line. ΣΤ: CONTROL & MONITORING Agio Farms facilities are fully equipped with top level technology to meet quality standards at all stages and levels while advanced on-line methods are used for continuous control and monitoring of the environmental conditions of the greenhouses interior, in a 24/7 basis.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The greenhouses are equipped with special cooling, ventilation…. ΣΤ: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The greenhouses are equipped with special cooling, ventilation and heating systems for optimum operation under all weather conditions (summer and winter time) …..and heating systems for optimum operation under all weather conditions.
NATURAL POLLINATION Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), kindly providing their precious services, carry out exclusively the entire plant pollination process, improving thus the quality of crops and eliminating the need for use of any other mechanical or chemical method. NATURAL POLLINATION Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), kindly providing their precious services, carry out exclusively the entire plant pollination process, improving thus the quality of crops and eliminating the need for use of any other mechanical or chemical method.
PACKING & STORING Fully equipped Packing Plant with cooling and storing capabilities, located next to the greenhouses, ensures preservation, freshness and quick packing and at any time till products reach markets. Packaging (packing??) cooling and storing facilities also operate in our company to ensure the quality and freshness of our products from the farm to the consumers table ΣΤ: PACKING & STORING Fully equipped Packing Plant with cooling and storing capabilities, located next to the greenhouses, ensures preservation, freshness and quick packing and at any time till products reach markets.
STAFF Highly qualified and experienced scientific personnel (biologist and special agriculturalist included), is present at all times to make sure that equipment, facilities, environment, plants and products are treated in the most professional manner possible. Our highly qualified scientific staff , combined with high-tech facilities available set the basis for the continuous production of high nutritional value and quality products. Additionally to the high technology standards, the hard work, the reliability and the passion that drives the Agio Farm team makes sure that we offer products of the highest quality and safety ΣΤ: STAFF Highly qualified and experienced scientific personnel (biologist and special agriculturalist included), is present at all times to make sure that equipment, facilities, environment, plants and products are treated in the most professional manner possible.
CERTIFICATIONS AgioFarms is a “GLOBALG.A.P” certified company. All stages of production, from pre-harvest activities to plant protection and post-harvest handling, storing and packing, meet strictly the GLOBALG.A.P standards. All stages of production, from pre-harvest activities, to plant protection, and post-harvest produce handling, packing and storing are certified by t he GLOBALG.A.P organisation?body?? ΣΤ: CERTIFICATIONS Agio Farms is a “GLOBALG.A.P” certified company. All stages of production, from pre-harvest activities to plant protection and post-harvest handling, storing and packing, meet strictly the GLOBALG.A.P standards.
PRODUCTS Agio Farms is capable of producing several tomato varieties. Beefsteak, cocktail, grape, plum and tomatoes on the vine are produced almost all year round while top quality long and mini cucumbers are also produced occasionally and according to the market demands. Cherry tomatoes Beefsteak tomatoes Agio Frams is capable of producing a large number of tomatoe varieties. Beefsteak, cocktail, grape, plum and tomatoes on the vine are produced almost all year round. Long and mini cucumbers are also produced. ΣΤ: PRODUCTS Agio Farms is capable of producing several tomato varieties. Beefsteak, cocktail, grape, plum and tomatoes on the vine are produced almost all year round while top quality long and mini cucumbers are also produced occasionally and according to the market demands. Cucumbers
PLANS & FUTURE AgioFarms’s strategic plans are mainly outward looking, aiming to expand business beyond national limits while maintaining at the same time similar or better quality standards at any stage and level of company’s operation. AgioFarms is steadily committed to producing high quality products with respect to the consumer and the environment. Apart from innovative techniques, knowledge, passion and experience, powerful allies to this effort is the Hellenic sun and the Hellenic rural tradition. Agio Farms is and will always be committed to producing high quality products with respect to the consumer and the environment. Apart from innovative techniques and experience, powerful weapons in this effort are the Hellenic sun and the Hellenic rural tradition Our website, is constantly updating and is going to be available in English and German soon. …… ΣΤ: PLANS & FUTURE Agio Farms’s strategic plans are mainly outward looking, aiming to expand business beyond national limits while maintaining at the same time similar or better quality standards at any stage and level of company’s operation. Agio Farms is steadily committed to producing high quality products with respect to the consumer and the environment. Apart from innovative techniques, knowledge, passion and experience, powerful allies to this effort is the Hellenic sun and the Hellenic rural tradition. Our website, is currently available in the Greek language only but will soon be translated in the English and German language too.