Establishment OF the Department U. G. - 15th June,1964. First Batch of degree pass out- 1967. P.G. -2003
PROGRAMMES OFFERED Self Financed Courses: B.A. (Economics) 1. M.A. (Economics) 2. C.O.C. Banking
Faculty of the department Sr. No Name of the faculty Designation Qualification Experience 1 Mr. S. J. Desai (Retired 31/12/2013) Associate Professor & H.O.D M.A., B. Ed, M. Phil. 33 2 Dr. D. R. Dhede Assistant Professor & H.O.D. M.A., M. Phil, SET. Ph.D. 18 3 Mr. C. R. Jadhav Assistant Professor M.A., M. Phil, SET. (Reg. for Ph. D.) 10 4 Mrs. M. R. Niykawadi Assist. Prof. (C.H.B.) M. Phil. 05 5. Mr. A. D. Powar M.A., B. Ed. 01
PRIDE OF THE DEPARTMENT Sr. No. Name Achievement Year 1. Dr. Rabade Tukaram Maruti NET (Economics) 2015 Ph.D. SET (Economics) 2014 2. Mr. Vibhute Yogesh Shivaji PSI 3. Mr. Gorad Akshay Krishnath 4. Mr. Chavan Ranjeet Balasaheb 2011 5. Mr. Patil Manik Pratap
Student Strength M.A.-II STUDENTS PROFILE Student Strength M.A.-II Number of Students Number of Students Girls 61 %
TEACHING LERNING METHODS Lectures Question- Answer Group Discussion Problem Solving Seminar Project Visits to Agricultural Firms and Exhibitions Use of ICT Faculty Exchange
LEARNING RESOURSES Computer with internet connectivity Personal Laptop Central Library Book Bank Scheme Departmental Library E-resources
Former HoD Shri. S. J. Desai Donated 81 books BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Books Departmental Library Central Library Reference books 91 1287 Text books 117 2097 Total 208 3384 Former HoD Shri. S. J. Desai Donated 81 books
CONTINUOUS EVALUATION SYSTEM Year No. of Seminars Projects Home Assignment Unit Test 2010-11 8 3 26 7 2011-12 1 10 2012-13 2013-14 9 16 2014-15 5 2015-16 Total 50 28 108 53
TOP SCORERS OF THE DEPARTMENT B.A.-III Sr. No. Name of the student Year Marks % 1 Mujawar Ayesha Shabbir 2010-11 74.8% 2 Pawar Mayura Vasant 2011-12 71.6% 3 Kirule Ashwini Shankar 2012-13 79.2% 4 Patil Rupali Pandurang 2013-14 78.8% 5 Sutar Digvijay Murlidhar 2014-15 83.2% 6 Bandgar Swati Bhagwan 2015-16 80.8%
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Challenges and Opportunities before Indian Business Environment Inaugural function Key note address by Chief. Guest Dr. J.F. Patil
Status of Conference : National Level Date of Conference : 10th March 2016 Total No. of Participants: 264 1. Number of Teachers : 133 2. Number of Students : 131 Number of participants outsides the State :10 Total number of paper presented by Teachers :58 Total number of paper presented by students :25
STUDENT CENTRED ACTIVETY Educational Tours Visits to Agricultural Exhibition Visits to excellent crop farms Celebration of special days Guest lectures Extra Lecture Remedial Teaching
Educational Tours: Visit to Ganapatipule Visit to Vijaydurga
Visits to Agricultural Exhibition Visits to excellent crop farms
Celebration of special days Population Day
Celebration of special days Gurupournima Teacher Day
Guest lectures Dr. Anil K. Wavare Dr. Rajkumar A. Waingade
RESEARCH ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS Sr. No Name Textbooks Conference Proceedings Journals with ISSN International National Impact Factor 1 Dr. D. R. Dhede 01 09 14 06 -- 2 Mr. C. R. Jadhav 04 03 4.16 Total 02 13 15
RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (Seminar/Conference/ Workshop/ Symposium ) Sr. No. Name Attended Paper Presented Regional/ State National International 1 Dr. D. R. Dhede 17 01 05 10 2 Mr. C. R. Jadhav 09 07 3 TOTAL 26 27 02 06
RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Proposal Submitted to UGC for Miner Research Project -03 Proposal Submitted for Revised Syllabus 1. B.A.-I (Economics) 2. B. A.-III (Economics) 3. B. Com. –III ( Coop. Development and Business Environment)
Faculty as Resource Person Vinay Kore Career Academy Salesman Training Programme (Warana Bazar) General Knowledge Quiz
Extension Activity N.S.S Programme Officer Special Residential Camp
Opportunity Several modularized courses for different segments of the society.
Future plans 1. Modularized courses for Cooperative segments. (Warana Bazar, Warana Cooperative Banks, Cooperative Dairy etc.) 2. Extension of Research in collaboration with other departments as well as with other institutions and academic alliances.