Why we are here "To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should posses."
Leadership Development Events Hayden Come and Rafe Kirkpatrick
Agriculture Advocacy Inform the public and consumers about the importance of the Ag industry and how it affects everyone. Team of 3-5 members.
Agriculture Issues Research and analyze a current Ag issue, and deliver a presentation that stresses the pros and cons of the issue. Team of 3-7 students.
Chapter Conducting Teams conduct a mock chapter meeting to show basic parliamentary law and correct procedures. Greenhand Senior Division
Creed Speaking A member presents the FFA Creed from memory and answers questions about its meaning and purpose. Greenhand (freshman only) Senior Division
Junior FFA Quiz An exam over knowledge of the Grays Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for FFA and general knowledge of FFA (history, facts, leadership, etc.). Team of 3-4 members.
Senior FFA Quiz Team of 3-4 members. An exam testing members’ understanding of the FFA, Ag education, Ag events and Parliamentary Procedure.
FFA Broadcasting Informative radio program covering one or more agricultural subjects that is current and local. Team of 3 members.
Job Interview Member submits their resume, completes a job application on site, participates in interview via telephone, in person one-on-one, and with a panel of possible employers.
Public Relations 5-8 minute presentation regarding the Texas FFA and what it represents. Team members are asked questions in response to presentation. Team of 2-4 members.
Agriculture Skill Demonstration Team performs an Agriculture Skill using effective public speaking and communication methods. Greenhand Senior Division Team of 3-5 members.
Activity Dates **All LDE participants will attend: Lake Whitney District contest at Hill College in Hillsboro on November 8th If the participants advance, they will go on to: Area LDE in Robinson on November 18th State LDE in Huntsville on December 1st-2nd
Career Development Events Jake Bons and Trenton Sulak
Agronomy Centered around crop production. Contest Includes General knowledge exam Plant and seed ID Soil testing Grain and forage grading Insect ID Team of 3-4 members.
Dairy Cattle Contest includes Team of 3-4 members Dairy management exercise (exam) Pedigree Class Herd Records Evaluation and Selection Team of 3-4 members
Entomology Identification of common insects, taxonomy, and nomenclature. Team of 3-4 members.
Floriculture Centered around the floral industry Contest Includes Plant/Tools/Pest/Diseases ID Arrangement Placing Classes Cut Flower Keep/Cull Classes General Knowledge Exam Team of 3-4 members.
Horse Judging Students evaluate horses through various performance and halter classes. Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Reining Trail Team of 3-4 members. Western Horsemanship Contest Includes 8 classes chosen from the following Western Pleasure Western Riding Stock Horse Pleasure Halter Classes Ranch Riding Hunter Hack
Livestock Judging Students judge livestock based on the desirable traits of the industry. Contest Includes Written Exam Placing Classes- Beef Cattle, Swine, Goats, Sheep Female Selection Classes Beef Cattle Grading Team of 3-4 members.
Poultry Students apply USDA standards to make judgments concerning poultry products Contest Includes Live Poultry Ready to Cook Shell Eggs Further Processed Poultry Products Written Examination Team of 3-4 members.
Veterinary Science Centered around the field of veterinary science Contest Includes Written Exam Breed/Equipment/Parasite ID Skills Practicum Team of 3-4 members.
Wool Judging Students evaluate wool fleeces for marketing and grading qualities Contest Includes Grading Rail (30 individual fleeces) Evaluate Fineness, length, spin count, yield Placing Classes Team of 3-4 members.
Activity Dates If the participants advance, they will go on to: Texas Tech State CDE’s (agronomy*, entomology, wool, horse) April 21 Tarleton State CDE’s (Dairy Cattle) April 26 -Texas A&M State CDE’s (livestock, poultry, vet med) April 28 CDE Team Contests will vary by event. All contests with the exception agronomy will attend Tarleton Invitational and area. Tarleton Invitational March 22 Area VIII CDE’s @ Tarleton on April 18
Morris Calvert and Ryan Schronk other FFA Activities Morris Calvert and Ryan Schronk
Speaking Events Compete at District Convention April 25 Extemporaneous Jr/Sr. Prepared Soil Stewardship
Greenhand Camp Area camp for first year FFA Members Saturday, Sep. 9 at Waco Midway High School
FFA Rodeo Annual Rodeo during State Convention Saddle Bronc Team Roping (male or female) Prospective Dates: July 8-10 Girl’s Events: Breakaway Calf Roping Boy’s Events: Calf Roping Goat Tying Bareback Riding Barrel Racing Steer Wrestling Bull Riding
District FFA Meetings Fall and Winter Meetings Sep. 6- State Officer Presentation in Itasca Dec. 6- Dodgeball in Glen Rose Spring District Convention Speaking Events & Talent Compete April 25 at Alvarado High School
Fort Worth Barnyard FFA members travel to the Fort Worth Stock Show and give tours to area students.
Flags FFA Students raise the flags at every home football game 6 students per game Wear FFA jacket and jeans
Jaylie Davis and KC Black Stock Shows and SAE’s Jaylie Davis and KC Black
Swine, Sheep, & Goats Minimum price: $300 Expect $200 in feed Need to know ASAP if you are needing animals
Cattle Steer Validation is in June, so it is too late for this year. Min. Price: $1,000 Feed: $3000 Heifers optional
Rabbits Shown as a “pen” (4 rabbits) Typically come in during December Price: approx. $200 Need $100 deposit by Sept. 22
Broilers and Turkeys 10 turkey minimum Turkey orders were due in July Broiler orders due in October Must be entered in multiples of 25 Price: $45 per 25 birds Pick up date is Nov. 22
School Livestock Center Pens available for projects Wash facilities Exercise ring Pens are filling up so let Mr. Key know ASAP if you need a spot
Show Clinics& Prospect Show Lamb/goat clinic Grandview Ag Barn November 11 Pig Clinic Dec 1st Prospect show Dec 2nd Everyone is Welcome
Youth Fair Held during county show Junior (13 years and younger) and Senior (14+) divisions Baked Goods, Canned Goods, Art, Crafts, Stitchery, Clothing, Photography, Decorative Cake
Ag Mechanics Held during county show Junior (13 years and younger) and Senior (14+) divisions Metal Works and Wood Works categories
Johnson County Show Johnson county show is Jan. 8-13 Wednesday New order this year! Monday Broiler and Turkey Show Tuesday Youth fair Move in and weigh in Rabbit Show Dairy Show Wednesday Swine Show Youth Fair Beef Heifer Show Thursday Market Goat Show Market Steer Show Market Lamb Show Saturday Sale
Major Stock Shows Validation Dates TBA Major Shows: -Fort Worth: Jan 12-Feb 3 San Angelo: Feb 2-18 San Antonio: Feb 8-25 Houston: Feb 27- March 18 Austin: March 10-24
Major Stock Shows Validation Dates TBA Major Shows: -Fort Worth: Jan 12-Feb 3 San Angelo: Feb 2-18 San Antonio: Feb 8-25 Houston: Feb 27- March 18 Austin: March 10-24
How to Get Involved Sign up’s for all FFA activities will be available in class during their respective seasons. Contact Ms. Davis with any additional questions. If you are wanting to show an animal contact Mr. Key ASAP in order to receive species specific date and information.