The Terminal and Post-Classic Northern Maya 800 - 1526 AD Ancient Civilizations of the Americas: Lecture 21 The Terminal and Post-Classic Northern Maya 800 - 1526 AD Ek’ Balam and Chichén Itzá Part 1 Ek’ Balam
Ek Balam Name means “Star Jaguar.” This site possesses the largest corpus of hieroglyphic texts of northern Yucatan. 1st king Ukit Kan Le’k, reigned 770-801 AD. K’an B’ohb Tok’ ascended 814 AD. Ukit Jol Ahkul reigned c. 830 AD. Last king K’inich Junpik Tok’ AD 870, was overlord to Chichén Itzá on evidence from Casa Colorado inscription.
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