PDST Accounting Resources There are a number of resources available from our website www.pdst.ie/sc/accounting which you may find useful in teaching the senior cycle accounting course.
Past Conference Materials Presentations from the last three years conferences are available at; http://www.pdst.ie/sc/accounting/workshop There are presentations on numerous topics and ideas there.
Exam Papers and Marking Schemes Easy to use grid on the PDST website. All higher and ordinary exam papers and marking schemes as well as chief examiners reports. All accessible in one click http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/accounting/assessment/secresources
Topic by Topic Page All past exam questions broken down by topic presented alongside the solutions You do not need to search through exam papers or marking schemes http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting/evaluationassessment/topicbytopic
Accounting Games Link on accounting home page http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting Games which can be used to help pupils identify entries Guide on how to create your own
Explanatory Videos http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting/ictlearn Can help in explaining some accounting concepts to pupils Could be used as an extra resource for pupils
Subject Analysis Spreadsheet Very useful tool in reviewing examination performance, target setting for the future and department planning. Reduces the workload of the teacher. http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting
Hyperlinked plans Based in Excel Create a repository for all your resources and necessary documentation for teaching the subject Access everything from one place Can help in department planning http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting
Topic templates in Excel http://cmsnew.pdst.ie/sc/accounting Templates for various topics in excel which could be given to pupils for extra questions or aid in developing new questions.
Q1 Workings Excel Template Work in progress Worked examples of each adjustment in q1 shown using t accounts and lists An extra resource for pupils to use when doing a q1 Feedback