Welcome to Curriculum Night Mrs. Harmon’s 4th Grade Class 2012-2013
Learning Goals & Expectations Common CORE State Standards Essential Standards Alignment with expectations for college and career success Clarity of expectations Consistency across all states Inclusion of content and the application of knowledge through high-order skills Improvement upon current state standards and standards of top-performing nations Evidence and research-based Based on 21st century skills Based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Higher Order Thinking Questions Social Studies Themes Science Concepts and Strands Hands-on, real-world experiences Incorporates 21st century skills
Common Core Video http://www.hunt-institute.org/knowledge-library/articles/2011-9-1/common-core-state-standards-a-new-foundation-for-student-success/
Writing Students write for fun, write stories, write opinion pieces, write persuasive arguments, write in response to reading, write for sustained periods, share their writing and publish their writing.
Word Work Students investigate the meaning and structure of words, and the conventions and forms of written language. Vocabulary Grammar Root Words, Prefixes & Suffixes
Supported Reading Teachers choose material for students to read and a purpose for the reading. Teachers provide guidance in a variety of whole class, small group, and partner formats. Guided Reading, Literature Circles, Comprehension Work, Shared Reading & Interactive Read-A-Louds.
Independent Reading Students read a variety of self-selected texts for extended periods of time. Students construct meaning and make personal connections. Students share and respond to reading. Teachers hold individual conferences with students about their books.
Reading - Info Students should read daily for 30 minutes at home. Students should take weekly AR test to work towards quarterly goals. AR points and comprehension % counts as two formal grades each quarter. Students can still benefit from reading with an adult for fun, enjoyment, and modeling.
In Math this year we build upon many concepts which we learned in third grade. We’ll use hands-on manipulatives and games to practice math concepts. Focus on Conceptual Understanding vs. Procedural Fluency Students utilize Standards for Mathematical Practice
Math Concepts Operations and Algebraic Thinking (support mathematical reasoning, critique the reasoning of others, multi-step word problems, patterns) Number Operations in Base Ten (place value, rounding, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Number Operations-Fractions (equivalencies, comparison, common denominators, decimals, ordering, etc.) Measurement and Data (metric and standard measurement of distance/time/volume/mass, line plots, area and perimeter, angle measurement, decomposing angles Geometry (points, lines, line segments, angles, 2D figures, classification of shapes, symmetry, etc.)
Social Studies In Social Studies this year we will study North Carolina history. By the end of the year, we might know more about North Carolina than you do! Students will apply the five themes of geography to NC and its people. Focus on Ethnic groups in NC & History of colonization in NC. We will analyze social and political institutions in NC and the impact of various cultural groups on our state.
Field Trip to Old Salem Save the Date: December 13th Focus on NC History and Settlement
In Science this year we will complete 7 units of study. Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth in the Universe Earth History Ecosystems Molecular Biology We’ll use a lab journal to record our learning and reflection.
End of Year Testing We will have end-of-grade state testing this year from the Smarter Balanced Consortium. Designed based on the Common Core State Standards in mind. Dates and results - TBA
What’s new this year? New School New furniture and fixtures New technology: iPads in each room Interactive apps – Educreation, Micropoll Publishing apps – Story Lines Presentation apps - Prezi Apple TV
A few reminders… We need 4 tennis balls (slits cut) for each student’s desk. The PTA is collecting $5 for the planners. Please join the PTA for $5 per family. Watch for information about this year’s fundraiser from PTA. Send a light jacket for the room (it gets cold).
Calling all Visitors We would like to invite a variety of parent/community guests to our classroom this year! Volunteers could: bring a craft/activity tell about their job/career speak about their college conduct a science experiment share travel experiences read to the class Volunteer on a regular basis to help in class If you are interested in being a classroom guest, please contact me. We would LOVE to have you!
A few pictures from this year so far….
And a few more…
Questions? Thank you for coming!!