Welcome to Finstall First School New Parents’ Evening Monday 11th May 2015 www.finstallfirst.co.uk
Sunnyfield Children’s Centre Early Help Parents’ Association School Days Castle Kids Class Catering Finstall Juniors School Nurse
Aims for this evening To discuss and clarify: Breakfast Club Routines and the school day Uniform Parent/teacher relationships Structure of the day Assessment Reading/Writing Forest School Story Club Induction process Visit classrooms
Breakfast Club
School and routines Morning bell = 8.50am – children will enter the classrooms as independently as possible. Playtime= 10.30am – snacks/fruit/milk. Lunch= 11.50am – hot meals or sandwiches. Children are always closely monitored by lunchtime supervisors. Home time= 3.15pm – children must be collected at the doors by their own parent or a named adult.
(practise opening packets, tubs, bananas, etc) Morning snacks Please put in the children’s book bags (practise opening packets, tubs, bananas, etc) Friday is “Fruity Friday” but, ideally, every snack should be healthy throughout the whole week! Water bottles (not in book bags) - easily accessible to the children.
PE kits will be sent home at the end PE/Games – Tuesday (indoor) Wednesday (outdoor) Kits should be in separate bags. Please explain the difference to your child. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term. Forest School (after Christmas) RH - Monday morning RB – Friday morning On Forest School days, children should come to school dressed in their old clothes and waterproofs.
Yes, even socks, shoes and gloves! Uniform – what to wear Please label everything as clearly as possible. Yes, even socks, shoes and gloves! Start asking your child to fasten/unfasten their own buttons, zips and shoes.
Again, please label everything! Book Bags: Books to share at home, Reading books, Word lists, Reading Record, Communication Book. P.E. Bags: (Green bag) White t-shirt, Green shorts, Pumps. Outdoor PE: (Different Coloured bag) Grey Tracksuit, White t-shirt, Outdoor footwear (playground) Again, please label everything!
Parent / Teacher relationship To pass on any information, no matter how small. (Communication Book) Put all letters or important information in the communication book tray.
Structure of your child’s day. Fun and enjoyment! Learning through organised play and both child and adult led activities. Assessed within the Early Years Foundation Stage. Focused tasks. Observations. Photographs. 2build a profile.
7 Areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Physical Development Expressive Arts and Design
How do we assess in the Early Years Foundation Stage Base line assessment (first 3-4 weeks) What age band are they working within? Beginning/Working within/Secure 30-50 mths/40-60mths Below/At/Above expectations for their age in months. We use this to plan appropriate activities to challenge their learning and show progress. We continue to assess and observe the children to make sure learning is appropriately challenging.
How will I know how well my child is achieving? Autumn Term- Parents’ Evening Spring term - Parents’ Evening Summer Term – Written Report At the end of the Reception year, children will be given a best fit judgement of either: Emerging, Expected or Exceeded for each Early Learning Goal.
Reading Reading books to share with your child will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Children will be given a reading scheme book when they are ready. All children learn their letter sounds and begin to blend them at different stages. Once your child is able to consistently recognise letters and sounds, they will be given further books to read at home. Ensure that the time spent ‘reading’ with your child is quality and worthwhile.
Write dance Cursive script Writing Write dance Cursive script
Forest School Ethos/Definition “Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.”
What do we do at Forest school? Watch the changes throughout the seasons Climb trees Make Camp fires/cook Look for mini- beasts Dig Play games Pond dipping Make dens Make swings Find out all about the things that live in Forest School Use tools (knife/bow saw/hand drill)
What does my child need to wear? Winter Warm clothing as we go out in all weathers! Socks Wellies Trousers (tucked inside wellies) Jumper Hat Scarf/gloves (Thinsulate mittens ) Waterproofs (ideally separate trousers and jacket) Summer Even if it is warm, children need to wear clothing that covers their legs and arms to protect against nettles and branches. Plastic bag for dirty clothes and wellies. Spare clothing for when we get messy! Spare coat for playtimes after Forest School.
Story Club Sessions will be on a Wednesday or Thursday 9.05am – 9.30am The time allocated to your child has been set in accordance with the large number of children and the space available in school. Each child will be given a book for you to read with them at home, this can then be exchanged for another on your next visit.
Induction Day Monday 13th July ½ day in school
7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 Monday Tuesday Wednesday FINSTALL FIRST SCHOOL INDUCTION PROCESS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun 7 9 – 3.15 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Childs name: _________________________ Group: 1 Start Date: Monday 7th September – 9.00am
Your Pack Please take time to read through the pack and contact us if you are unsure about anything. Return the relevant forms to school. Please remember to show Birth Certificates at the School Office.
Visits to Classroom Please take some time to look around the classrooms and visit the various stalls. We will try to answer any individual questions that you may have.
We care, we share, we learn and achieve