Welcome to Year 3!
Major topics of the year! Term 1 and 2 - Our first topic will lightly touch on the Stone Age (to provide a basic chronology). We will then be exploring Greek myths and legends and may even write our own myth! Term 3 and 4 - We will then focus on the structure of the Earth with a particular emphasis on volcanoes and different types of rock. Term 5 - Our next topic will cover growth of both plants and animals Term 6 - Our final topic will focus on the Romans and life in Roman Britain.
PE Days PE is on Monday and Wednesday. All children are expected to have the correct kit in school at all times. Outdoor PE kit is long trousers, jumper, trainers (and socks!) and their PE t-shirt. Indoor PE kit is shorts and PE t-shirt. Earrings must be taken out for PE sessions. Please, please, please make sure everything is named!
Recorders This year the children will have the opportunity to be taught to play the recorder! Lessons will take place every Wednesday morning until the end of the year. The children will be provided with a recorder. Unfortunately, the children aren’t able to take their recorders home with them.
Forest Schools Throughout the year the children will have the opportunity to take part in Forest Schools. Most of these sessions will take place on site, however, there will be one ‘off-site’ Forest Schools session for each class after Christmas.
Weekly timetable!
The transition! As you may have noticed the day is longer for the children, as there is no afternoon break in KS2 and lessons go on until quarter past 12! Our word of the year is ‘Independence’. We are really trying to encourage the children as much as possible to be independent and take responsibility for their own learning.
Start and end of day At the beginning of the day we would like the children to enter the cloakrooms and classroom independently when the bell goes. At the end of the day the children now leave the classroom independently.
Maths groups Two maths groups – broadly ability based Same curriculum / different pace There may be some movement between groups but understandably this will be limited Differentiation within groups
Homework Please could the children continue to read at least 3 times a week, practise their mental addition and subtraction and times tables (badges). The children will also receive a list of key words based on recent spelling lists. Termly school cups. Reading records can be purchased from the office for 50p if they have been lost.
Interventions During Springboard and assembly times we will be running focussed interventions to support the children with their learning. These are based around the children’s next steps and all children will be supported throughout the year.
Reading Individual readers- Children will be heard reading by either the teacher or a parent helper. Guided reading- This takes place once a week and will be led by the teacher. Children will have the opportunity to change their reading books once a week
Reading Records We will be collecting your child’s reading record book in on their book change day. Targets: 1st book = 30 reads 5th book = 75 reads 2nd book= 30 reads 6th book = 75 reads 3rd book = 50 reads 7th book = 100 reads 4th book = 50 reads 8th book = 100 reads Reading records will continue from last year.
Fruit and water On their book changing day it would be appreciated if the children bring in a piece of fruit to be shared. When children go out and come in from the playground they are allowed to have water. Please could children bring in a water bottle.
Ways to help at home Telling the time. Tying shoe laces. Quick mental calculation games. Board games to help problem solving skills. Working with money. Encourage them to extend their sentences with ambitious vocabulary. Reading
Home/School communication Please do not hesitate to see us after school if you have any concerns (sooner rather than later please) If your child is going home with somebody else please inform us by note or in person. Clubs – if your child is unable to attend a club, please inform us in person or in writing
Parent helpers We would welcome any help that you are able to provide. Extra fruit cutters would be greatly appreciated.
Any questions?