Bell Work 1) Are you a left brain or right brain thinker? What does this mean in terms of learning? 2) How do you think you get your information into your brain?
Today’s topics How the brain cells communicate The regions of our brain and how it impacts how we behave
Is the right foot connected to the Brain Can you outsmart your foot. While sitting, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. 2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. WHAT HAPPENED??? Your foot will change direction. It's pre-programmed in your brain!
Intro to the Nervous System and the Brain The brain and the nervous system controls all actions of the body Nervous system: Processes information from the outside environment to the body A massive highway of information Each piece of information is carried by neurotransmitters
Everyone STAND UP and get into 2 lines We are going to pass a touch under a time… Each of you are part of a team. 1st: pass the touch using our feet 2nd: pass the touch using our hands by hips 3rd: pass the touch hands on shoulders By the end of this activity you will make a prediction about our nervous system Our massive hwy is our spinal cord the closer to our head the faster we get the information
Two hemispheres: Our brain has two hemispheres that communicate through nerve fibers Right: Controls left side of body, identifies patterns, imagination, artistic Left: Controls right side of body, language and speech, plans the day, stays on time…
Finally… The Four Functional Lobes Frontal Lobe: motor, creativity, emotions Temporal Lobe: hearing music, understanding speech, memory Parietal Lobe: Body senses, pressure, pain, temperature Occipital Lobe: Vision Lets look at the handout to see where these are… Phineas Gage: was working at a railroad where an explosion happened. A metal bar went through the front of his head. He survived but was changed forever. What do you think changed? Had to learn language all over again and emotionally he wasn’t as nice as he was before now he was short tempered and mean.
Traumatic Brain Injury Gabrielle Giffords
SUPER TIME You will pick a part of the brain and create a superhero with those certain characteristics. It is only a 1 page comic and the name and super powers of your superhero.