Breaking news !
Shh……… be very quiet – I will say this only once! Information has reached me that England will soon declare war on Germany. I think you know why. However we have a problem. We need an brave group of spies to search out Germany's weaknesses. We need them to go places never before gone by a British Agent… …I can’t tell you any more until you are sure you accept this mission. There is no going back…
Ahh so you accept……. Excellent! You must prepare a report for the Prime Minister about the oncoming war. There will be three secret missions that you will complete over three lessons. You will need to work in groups of three and choose a code word for your group name. Choose wisely who you work with. Who knows who you can trust! Each of you must write up part of the report but the entire thing must be smuggled to the Prime Minister on time…
The most important thing is that no one sees you hand the work in The most important thing is that no one sees you hand the work in. Not even fellow spies. I have a few ideas to help you but you can probably come up with your own even better tricks!
The old – ‘do something really bad so the prime minister confiscates the report ’ trick.
The classic – ‘destroy a book ‘ trick.
Ahh.. The old ‘massacre an innocent teddy ’ technique!
…and my personal favourite …and my personal favourite. The ‘bribe the prime minister with a goodie bag’ trick. Always a good one!
Mission One THE PRIME MINISTER NEEDS TO FIND OUT HOW STRONG THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE ARE. One spy at a time will find out information about one country of the Triple Alliance. Each spy needs a copy of the compiled information on their chart. Be careful. People everywhere will try and sabotage your mission. Don’t share information with enemy groups!
You survived!.. Brilliant! Its time to debrief you on your mission…. The Prime minister is desperate for this information before he makes the final decision to go to war. However he is a rather cantankerous old fellow. He wants you to analyse the information not just give him a list of facts a figures! This means you now need to draft a report stating who is the stronger side. Use the information to backup your argument. In your groups decide who is the stronger side and why. Begin your draft together now.
Good Luck – you will need it! So it has begun.. You have completed your first mission. The spy games have begun… Use this remaining time between missions to discuss in your groups who will report on each mission, how you will present your work and most importantly how it will be smuggled to the old prime Minister! Good Luck – you will need it!