Training Module 3: USDOL Annual Programmatic Reporting Connecticut Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (CAMI) September 14, 2015 Michelle Hall, CAMI Project Director This program is (funded by or in-part by) a $15,000,000 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. This Program is an equal opportunity employer/ program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Annual Reporting The CAMI grant is a US Department of Labor (USDOL) Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant. Most of our reporting is done at the end of each quarter, which you are all familiar with; however, USDOL requires that all TAACCCT grantees also complete an additional, annual report, which will accompany the regular quarterly report (it is due on the same day as the quarterly report each October). The annual report is almost exclusively statistical, which is very different from our quarterly reports.
Annual Reporting Timetable Reporting Period: 10/1/14 – 9/30/15 10/1/15 – 9/30/16 10/1/16 – 9/30/17 Due to Michelle: 10/15/15 10/14/16 10/13/17 Michelle Submits Report: 10/30/15 10/31/16 10/30/17
What does the annual report look like? There are three parts to the annual report: participant outcomes, participant summary information and program narrative. The next three slides will outline each piece of data we need for the report. Much of this information can be found on the CAMI Participant Form.
Annual Report: Outcomes # of unique participants # of program completers # of completers who are incumbent workers # that are currently enrolled in a grant funded program # that are currently enrolled in a non-grant funded program # of total credit hours completed (across all participants) # of students completing credits (across all participants) # who have earned a degree or certificate(s) # of students earning short-term certificates (3rd semester certificates and MCC’s 8-week program) # of students earning long-term certificates (2-semester Advanced Manufacturing or Precision Sheet Metal programs) # of students earning a related degree associate’s degree (College of Technology) # of students pursing education after a program of study # of students employed after program of study completion 14A. # of students retained in employment after program of study completion 14B. # of students who were unemployed at enrollment who accepted a job before completing a CAMI program 14C. # of students who were unemployed at enrollment who accept a job directly after completing a CAMI program 15. # of students employed at enrollment who received a wage increase (at any time during the program) Definitions will be outlined later in the module.
Annual Report: Summary Information Gender: 1A. Male 1B. Female Ethnicity/Race: 2A. Hispanic/Latino 2B. American Indian or Alaskan Native 2C. Asian 2D. Black or African American 2E. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2F. White 2G. More then one race Degree: 3A. Full-time status 3B. Part-time status Other Demographics: 4. Incumbent Workers 5. Eligible Veterans 6. Participant age (average = add all ages and divide by total number of participants) 7. Persons with Disability 8. Pell-Grant Eligible 9. TAA Eligible
Annual Report: Narrative Question #1: Summarize your most innovative achievement or your greatest success story. Question #2: How did CAMI help TAA eligible participants? Specifically address the following: # of TAA eligible students who participated, # of TAA eligible students who earned credentials, # of TAA eligible students who did not earn credentials and If the average time in the program was longer or short from TAA eligible students than for other students.
Definitions Unique Participant – You can only count someone once, even if they were involved in more than one activity during the year Short-Term Certificate – A third-semester certificate and the MCC two 8-week certificate Long-Term Certificate – The 2-semester Advanced Manufacturing certificate and the TRCC Precision Sheet Metal certificate Completer – Someone who was a participant that finished a short-term certificate, long-term certificate or associate’s degree Incumbent Worker – Someone who is employed at the time they became a participant Credentials – A short-term certificate, long-term certificate or associate’s degree Credit Hours – Include the total number of credits (most classes award between 1- 3 credits) each participate completes. This does not include noncredit coursework.
Reporting Templates An annual report template will be made available to each college at the time you receive this module. You will receive the template as an additional tab in your quarterly report Excel file called “annual report”. This will be the last tab in the file.
Training The most challenging and critical piece to the annual report is the use of shared definitions. We need to make sure that we are all counting the same thing in the same way. Subsequently, we will be offering a mandatory, face-to-face training session for all college Educational Assistants who are involved in reporting data. Training will be offered on Tuesday, September 29th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at 61 Woodland Street in Hartford in Conference Room # 305. Remember to have ID for Security.