Improving Graduation Rates Using Data Insights and Predictive Modeling Jon EDUCAUSE September 30, 2014
Predicting Success Increasing Student Success Incorporating Proactive Student Support Taking a High Touch High Tech Approach Tracking Institutional Effectiveness Defining the Technological Solution Jon Predicting Success
From Data Reports to Analytics Jon From Data Reports to Analytics
Really Knowing Our Students Goes Beyond Reporting Pattern recognition Predictive Prescriptive Inferential Jon Really Knowing Our Students
Sheila Encompasses 23 communities in the northwest suburbs of Chicago; 200 square miles and a population of 555,100 citizens. Approximately 30,000 businesses are located in the District. The College’s annual FTE credit enrollment stands at approximately 22,000 students. Total headcount exceeds 40,000 and includes individuals of all ages attending credit, continuing education, customized, and extension courses at the Harper campus or at other district locations.
Increasing Graduation Rates Graduation Rate increased from 14% to 24% in 5 years New Reactive Programs Early Alert Supplemental Instruction Completion Concierge Summer Bridge for High School Students All data based, reactive solutions New, Proactive Systemic Solutions Sheila Increasing Graduation Rates
Improving Student Success Support Across the Pathway Sheila Improving Student Success Support Across the Pathway
Aggregating Data What if we combined all that we know: High School GPA Placement Scores Attendance Patterns Engagement on Campus Progress in Course Work Age Pell Eligible Full Time vs. Part Time Ethnic Background First Generation College Attendee Sheila Aggregating Data
Removing the Guesswork Abilities Counseling Program of Study Course Scheduling Support Services Placing into success interventions prior to experiencing failure YES NO MAY BE Sheila Removing the Guesswork
The Student Retention Model Ethnic Group First Generation Gender FT/PT Status High School GPA ACT/SAT Score Current GPA PELL Grant Campus Activities Student Data Course Data College Data Model Variable Advisor Student Student Retention Predictive Analytics Model Reports & Alerts Reports & Alerts Sheila Early Intervention Risk Factor
Institutional Operational Student Dashboards Sheila Institutional Operational Student
Sheila The data has been modified and is not valid
Student Information Patrick
Advisor Use Case: Personalized Data-Driven Intervention Select Cohort Select Student Cohort Average Risk score by Cohort year Average Grade by Cohort year At-Risk Student List Patrick Identify students with high risks Standardized Scores and Quick Access Customizable to meet specific Harper definitions of At-Risk
Advisor Use Case: Personalized Data-Driven Intervention Student Profile Understand the situation What has contributed to the scores Student background Academic performance Interactive Levers Patrick Simulate what-if scenarios “Tweak” actionable variables See predicted results
Career Selection Personalization Course Planning Integrated Support Predictive Analytics Improves Jon - optional Integrated Support Completion Persistence
Student Analytics = Proactive Personalized Student Success Jon Student Analytics = Proactive Personalized Student Success