Jeopardy Victorious Vocab Novel Geography Characters Of Courage Tricky Trivia Facts and figures More Victorious Vocab Quotable Quotes Mystery Bag 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
A for 100 Money used in Denmark What is kroner?
A for 200 Intentional destruction of property What is sabotage?
A for 300 Success, good fortune What is Godspeed?
A for 400 To distribute food in small quantities, as in times of scarcity What is ration?
A for 500 What is staccato? Made up of abrupt, distinct sounds Daily Double
B for 100 The country that the Johansens live in What is Denmark?
B for 200 The Johansens and Ellen saw much of the Danish countryside when traveling on this What is a train?
B for 300 The location of Annemarie’s only encounter with Nazi soldiers by herself What are the woods?
B for 400 The landscape of Uncle Henrick’s home town What is the sea?
B for 500 The city in Sweden the Jews were taken to What is Gilleleje?
C for 100 Five year old girl who is not afraid to confront Nazi soldiers on the street Who is Kirsti?
C for 200 He is a boat captain who helps the Jews escape to Sweden Who is Uncle Henrick?
C for 300 Her button shop was confiscated by the Nazis Who is Mrs. Hirsche?
They were secret members of the Resistance Daily Double C for 400 They were secret members of the Resistance Who are Peter and Lise?
C for 500 A soldier who stands on the street corner and confronts the girls as they are running Who is the Giraffe?
D for 100 My other name is Thor What is God of Thunder?
D for 200 Annemarie is forbidden to do this at Uncle Henrick’s farm What is talking to people?
D for 300 Blankets, sweaters, warm clothes What were the items inside the casket?
D for 400 It is inside the package delivered to Uncle Henrick What is a handkerchief?
D for 500 This trait of Ellen’s caused soldiers to be suspicious of her at the Johansens’ home What is dark hair?
E for 100 Kirsti was upset because her shoes were made of this What is fish?
E for 200 Her funeral gathers people from all over; but she is not real Who is Great-Aunt-Birte?
E for 300 This item was broken as Annemarie tried to protect Ellen from the soldiers What is the Star of David necklace?
Peter helped hide these two people while the Johansens hid Ellen Daily Double E for 400 Peter helped hide these two people while the Johansens hid Ellen Who are Mr. and Mrs. Rosen?
E for 500 Annelise Platt Who is the book based on?
F for 100 Religious symbol that many Jewish people wear What is a Star of David?
F for 200 Movement with regular recurring elements or features What is rhythmically?
F for 300 Infectious disease transmitted by insects with symptoms of fever, headaches, and red dots What is typhus?
F for 400 Platform projecting from the wall What is a balcony?
F for 500 A girl or woman of outstanding courage What is a heroine?
G for 100 “The doctor said the casket should be closed . . . He said that there was a chance germs could still be in there.” Who is Mama?
G for 200 “It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything.” Who is Uncle Henrick?
G for 300 “I want you to deliver this. Without fail. It is of great importance.” Who is Peter?
G for 400 She said, “My father wants me to be a teacher. He wants everyone to be a teacher like him.” Who is Ellen Rosen?
G for 500 “I am sending Inge to you today with the children and she will be bringing you a carton of cigarettes.” Who is Mr. Johansen?
H for 100 Lois Lowry Who wrote Number the Stars?
H for 200 Lise actually died this way What is getting run over by the Nazis?
H for 300 Meaning of the code word “cigarettes” What is Jewish people?
H for 400 This group sank the Danish navy Who are the Resistance fighters?
H for 500 An example of a story within a story in the novel What is Little Red Riding Hood?