Back to school Night Mrs. Jacobsen’s class 2017-2018
Expectations: Be Respectful Be Responsible Cooperate Be in class to LEARN!!
Website Bookmark my website: Important documents, electronic books, daily schedule, major assignments, activities, events will be posted on my website. Website
Our math will be based on Math Innovations by the College of William and Mary. Supplementary extensions will come from several different sources focusing on problem solving. Math curriculum
Language arts curriculum Utopia College of William and Mary Advanced Academic Writing by Michael Clay Thompson The Word Within the Word by Thompson and Kemnitz (spelling and vocabulary words - Greek origins) Texts and Lessons for Content Area Reading by Harvey Daniels and Nancy Steineke Novel Study – see the disclosure for a list of novels. Language arts curriculum
Images of Greatness Science Fair World Fair Research projects
Science and Social studies Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome Chinese, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Industrial Revolution – modern times. Science Solar System Matter and Energy Weather and Climate Ecosystems There are big events and/or projects in our science and social studies units. See long term calendar for the year. Science and Social studies
Standards based grading Your student’s report card will reflect what they know about the material. I will NOT include practice work to determine their grades. Graded material will include: Quizzes, Assessments, research projects, novel studies. All graded material can be redone to improve mastery of content. Mastery Connect – data tool to show student understanding of specific standards in the 6th grade curriculum (can include below or above level curriculum as well) Standards based grading
ALEKS is available to your student to access at home to strengthen mathematics problem solving skills each day. ALEKS
40 book challenge Read 40 books in different genres by the end of May. 6 Book shares. Students will sign up for a day to share a book they have finished with the class. See the ‘Curriculum Map’ on my website for book share dates. 40 book challenge
Nightly reading – minimum of 25 minutes Nightly reading – minimum of 25 minutes. We are reading 8 novels together with some books requiring at home reading. We also have 6 book talks, where students read a book of their choice to share with the class (in lieu of book reports). Research projects Studying Greek/Latin stems ALEKS online math program Unfinished work (if students use class time wisely, there should not be any of this work) I am a busy mom, with 3 students that all have after school sports and activities – I want students to have a life outside of school! Students should not be doing more than 60 minutes of homework per night… if you find they are, please email me. Order of importance: FAMILY, school, all the other stuff… Homework
Class Dojo Our school is using class dojo, so I thought our class should too. We will NOT use Remind, just class dojo. The app does the same thing as Remind, but has other features we will be using as a school and in our behavior management plan. Sign up today!
Individual Rewards: Blue tickets and dojo points are earned for various positive behaviors. Some examples are: on task behavior, transitioning quickly, completing daily work, getting your planner signed, going out of your way for others, doing the right thing even if you think no one is watching, making profound connections and insights throughout the day. Tickets/Points will be tallied weekly for a prize. Class Rewards/Eagle Feathers: Earn 10 feathers as a class = Principal Party of our choice! Team Rewards: You will be on a team with other members of your class. The team with the most dojo points combined will win a group prize every fortnight. I will have a menu of prizes you can choose from, or as a team you can pick a prize that is not on the list, with teacher approval. *I will never give you a ticket or point if you ask for one. *Sometimes you will do amazing, positive things and you may not receive a ticket or point. Icon Party Reward: This year we are using Susan Kaplan's "Icon's of Depth and Complexity." When students recognize the icons in the lessons throughout the day they will add a marble to our "Icon Connections Jar." When the jar is full, we will enjoy a class party. Rewards
Students will have the ability to choose where they sit in our classroom. The student have this privilege as long as they choose seats that are best for their learning and the learning of those around them. Flexible seating
Blended learning is where a student learns at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. Our class is focusing on MATH – ALEKS is our online program where students can move at their own pace through the curriculum. Social studies will allow students to more project based learning; where they can choose what they learn, how they learn it, where they learn it, with a set time frame in mind. Blended learning
This year our class theme is to have a growth mindset throughout daily life. wellness/brain-enrichment/growth-mindset-vs-fixed-mindset Growth mindset
I need a room parent to coordinate activities, field trips, fun Fridays, help in the classroom, help outside the classroom. Feel free to stop in and watch me teach/learn with your child Help out with students Plan class parties Come to class activities Email me with questions, concerns, or compliments The more visible you are in the school, the better your student will perform in school! Be apart of your students experience. Open classroom