ORIENTATION (2016/17 ACADEMIC YEAR) Academic year 2016 - 17 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission to the Normal 3-Year Programme Requires, at a minimum: Passes in both Units of CAPE Maths and Physics What if you don’t Meet the Minimum Requirement?: Must accept “general” offer to FST Register for relevant Prelim Courses (those that you don’t have at CAPE) Speak with Dr Aiken to see if it is possible to register for engineering courses, while doing Prelim requirements. Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
Grade Point Average (GPA) MARKS % GPA A+ 90-100 4.30 A 80-89 4.00 A- 75-79 3.70 B+ 70-74 3.30 B 65-69 3.00 B- 60-64 2.70 C+ 55-59 2.30 C 50-54 2.00 F1 40-49 1.70 F2 30-39 1.30 F3 0-29 0.00 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
GPA and Class of Degree Weighted GPA Level 1 10 %; Level 2 30%; Level 3 60% The compulsory year project(s) shall account for 20% of the total weighted GPA Final GPA = 0.8(0.1L1 + 0.3L2 + 0.6L3) + 0.2P Class of Degree Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
ELECTRONICS / ELECTRICAL POWER / COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Some Regulations Normally required to pass all LEVEL 1 courses before Registering for Level 3 courses Most Level 1 courses are Prerequisites for Level 2, and most Level 2 are prerequisites for Level 3 Eligibility for Graduation ELECTRONICS / ELECTRICAL POWER / COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Pass all courses in programme Pass the required 3 foundation courses (get info from the Dean’s Office) CIVIL ENGINEERING Pass all courses in programme Foundation courses are not compulsory Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
CIVIL ENGINEEING -LEVEL 1 Semester 1: 18 Credits Course Code Course Title Number of Credits ECNG1009 Introduction to Programming C3 CVNG1005 Science of Materials E3 ELNG1101 Physics for Engineers CVNG1009 Engineering Graphics ENGR1000 Introduction to Engineering MATH1180 Engineering Mathematics I Semester 2: 20 Credits Course Code Course Title Number of Credits CVNG 1000 Mechanics of Solids E3 CVNG 1001 Mechanics of Fluids I CVNG 1002 Civil Engineering Design I C3 CVNG1007 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering C2 CVNG 1011 Geology CVNG 1012 CVNG 1008 Civil Engineering Law Building Services Engineering E2 E4 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Level 1 Semester 1 (18 Credits) Course Code Course Title No of credits ELET 1400 Introduction to Electronics E3 ENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering E3 COMP 1126 Introduction to Computing I E3 COMP 1127 Introduction to Computing II E3 ENGR 1180 Engineering Mathematics 1 E3 ELNG 1101 Physics for Engineers E3 Semester 2 (19 Credits) Course Code Course Title No of credits ECNG 1000 Electrical Circuits E3 ECNG 1012 Engineering Science and Technology C4 ECNG 1006 Laboratory and Projects 1 C3 ECNG 1015 Introduction to Electrical Energy Systems E3 COMP 1161 Object-Oriented Programming E3 COMP 1220 Computing and Society E3 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
ELECTRONICS ENGINEEING -LEVEL 1 Semester 1 Course Code Course Title Credits ELET 1400 Introduction to Electronics E3 ENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering E3 ECNG 1009 Introduction to Programming C3 ENGR 1180 Engineering Mathematics 1 E3 ELNG 1101 Physics for Engineers E3 Semester 2 Course Code Title Credits ECNG 1000 Electrical Circuits E3 ECNG 1012 Engineering Science and Technology C4 ECNG 1006 Laboratory and Projects 1 C3 ECNG 1015 Introduction to Electrical Energy Systems E3 COMP 1161 Object-Oriented Programming E3 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEEING -LEVEL 1 Semester 1 Course Code Course Title Credits ELET 1400 Introduction to Electronics E3 ENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering E3 ECNG 1009 Introduction to Programming C3 ENGR 1180 Engineering Mathematics 1 E3 ELNG 1101 Physics for Engineers E3 Semester 2 Course Code Title Credits ECNG 1000 Electrical Circuits E3 ECNG 1012 Engineering Science and Technology C4 ECNG 1006 Laboratory and Projects 1 C3 ECNG 1015 Introduction to Electrical Energy Systems E3 COMP 1161 Object-Oriented Programming E3 CVNG 1001 Mechanics of Fluids I E3 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
Tuition and other Fees All Engineering at Mona are Full Fee Paying Programmes Current Tuition is US $10,000 (very conservative). This includes: A Tablet with E-Copies of All Prescribed Texts for all courses in the programme HEART NTEI Level 3 Certification Other Certification to be added (CCNA) Components for labs and projects (if they are returned undamaged) Miscellaneous and Hall Fees are NOT INCLUDED Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
What’s Coming New proposals for this year The addition of a Preliminary Engineering Year MPhil and PhD Research ABET Accreditation More International Partnerships Revision in Electronics Engineering BSc in Biomedical Engineering or a Biomedical Instrumentation Option in Electronics Engineering? Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
Other Information Go to MSE Webpage at https://www.mona.uwi.edu/engineering/ Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17
Questions??? Academic year 2016 - 17 Orientation for Engineering Students Academic year 2016 - 17