Chapters 2, 3, & 4 Ecology
ecology! can be studied at many levels
Hierarchy of biological organization
A population is . . .what? Variables to population structure
Variables to population structure Population density Dispersion patterns
What can happen to a population size? Increase, decrease or remain stable
Populations can grow quickly Exponential growth Exponential growth of rabbits
Limitations to population growth Density dependent factors carrying capacity
Logistic growth
Limitations to population growth Density independent factors
Tools that help population ecologists A life history
Tools that help population ecologists Survivorship curves
Levels of ecological study Organismal Population Community Ecosystem
Community ecology Interspecific interactions
Each organism has a niche Ecological niche: The more similar 2 niches are,
Trophic structures show interactions The pattern of feeding relationships consisting of several levels food chain:
Missing from most food chain & food web diagrams. . . ! Detritivores: Decomposers:
Cooper’s hawk Fox Robin Alligator lizard Arrows show direction Figure 54-6 Cooper’s hawk Fox Robin Alligator lizard Arrows show direction of energy flow: from organism consumed to consumer Earthworm Millipede Bracket fungus Bacteria, archaea (many species) Puffball Pillbugs Insect larvae (maggots) Cricket Dead leaves (many species) Dead animals (many species) Maple tree leaves Rotting log
Keystone species impact diversity A keystone species
Community response to disturbance
Response to disturbance ecological succession Two kinds of succession
Primary succession Starts in lifeless area without even soil
Primary succession
Secondary succession
Secondary succession
Levels of ecological study Organismal Population Community Ecosystem
An ecosystem has two parts biotic abiotic
Biomes Terrestrial biomes’ Aquatic biomes’
In an ecosystem, Energy flows
In an ecosystem, Chemicals cycle reservoir
Cycling chemicals Carbon: Nitrogen: Phosphorus:
Carbon cycle
Nitrogen cycle
Phosphorus cycle