IUCN WCPA Capacity Development Mike Appleton and Eleanor Sterling
Caring for 20+% of the planet needs skilled and committed people…. ….and effective organisations to support them
Progress in the last year
General Reconstituting a list of 260+ WCPA members with a special interest in capacity development Many new WCPA members recruited Forming a core group to steer our work Framework and terms of reference for thematic working groups BIOPAMA inputs
General Finalising the Strategic Framework for Capacity Development (SFCD) http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/sfcd_final_july_2015.pdf
2. Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities IUCN WCPA Strategic Framework for Protected Area Capacity Development 2015-2025 Strategic Framework 1. Professionalization 2. Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities 3. Enabling CD 4. Evaluation PARKS PEOPLE PLANET
PA and Conservation Learning News
Knowledge café (Evaluation Conservation campus (Learning about Learning), Workshop (Healthy Nature for Human Health and Wellbeing)
SFCD Programme 1: Professionalization GOAL Ensure that protected area management is widely recognized as a distinct profession, with its own standards, systems and tools
Professionalization Progress Draft competences circulated and being widely used Competences register and user guide peer reviewed and ready for publication Competences and standards working group National CD plans completed for Romania, Croatia and Georgia, and in progress for Albania Organisational CD group formed (working with BirdLife and FFI) Discussing a standards project in Europe
SFCD Programme 2 Indigenous peoples and local communities Capacity development initiatives include and address the specific needs of Indigenous, traditional, and local community stewards of protected areas and other conserved territories
Indigenous People and Local Communities Developing training guidelines for biocultural indicator frameworks (human, environmental well-being) Workshops: indigenous and community leaders in Pacific, US and France Training in visioning, use of UNU indicators Harmonize locally relevant indicators with National reporting on Aichi and SDG targets Literature review of existing indicator frameworks Guidelines expected 2017 Developing network Diverse pathways of engagement are established and supported within and between indigenous and local communities Peer to peer network in Pacific Intergenerational transfer of knowledge/knowledge sharing good practices
SFCD Programme 4 Evaluation The capacity development community makes use of an evidence-based directory of processes, criteria, and indicators for comprehensively measuring and assessing the effectiveness and impact of capacity development
Evaluation Working group formed and invited Work plan agreed Workshop at ICCB in Montpellier Work started on a review of evaluation processes and tools (researcher engaged) WCC Knowledge Café Event Directory of what evaluation tools work where
Resources and support are available to implement the SFCD SFCD Programme 3 Enabling capacity development
Enabling CD Learning about learning Guidance for Capacity Developers (with BirdLife) Draft guidelines for planning, monitoring, and evaluation in CD E- Learning Mentoring (Earth Skills Network, Global Parks, Conservation Coaches Network) IUCN/WCPA Endorsement of Capacity Programmes and Providers Better alignment with publications
Issues Endorsement of capacity programmes and providers WCC ideas thoughts. Please see me Exemplary Capacity Development evaluation tools, techniques and examples. Brainstorm.