Harry Gosling Primary School Providing Challenge at home and at school 19th May 2015
What we do to provide challenge We have taken a number of steps to provide challenge for the children at Harry Gosling: Extension and problem solving activities in lessons Focus on building children’s general knowledge Emphasis on speaking in full sentences using standard English Careers Day Visits to businesses University visits Competitions in various subjects
What you can do - General knowledge The most successful children have broad knowledge bases. You can help by: Having an encyclopedia at home (Usborne publishers produce a wide range of children’s encyclopedias: http://www.usborne.com/catalogue/encyclopedias.aspx?cat=1 &area=EN&subcat=) Having an atlas at home (you can find a wide range of children’s atlases on www.amazon.co.uk) Talking to your children about the news and current affairs (First News children’s newspaper and Newsround http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/ Encourage children to complete the newsletter learning challenges
What you can do - Broadening Horizons Children with the widest life experience perform best at school. You can help by: Taking your children to lots of different museums and galleries (http://www.timeout.com/london/attractions/top-10- museums-in-london-for-kids) Exploring what the city of London has to offer (http://www.timeout.com/london/kids/activities/free-things- to-do-with-the-kids-in-london) Sports clubs and teams Music lessons
What you can do - Puzzles Puzzles are a fantastic way of developing children’s thinking skills, perseverance and resilience. You could try: Sudoku in the free papers (Metro, Evening Standard) Puzzle apps for iPad and other tablets Puzzle books from amazon.co.uk, thebookpeople.co.uk Jigsaw puzzles Board games Chess and draughts www.activityvillage.co.uk (Free printable puzzles)
What you can do - Problem solving skills HGPS is working hard to develop children’s problem solving skills. You can help by: Explaining the importance of making mistakes and learning from them Not giving your children too much help and doing homework for them. Instead, give clues and ask helpful questions when children are stuck Encourage children to use trial and error and persevere when faced with difficult problems Providing quiet spaces for children to complete homework (local library if home is too noisy)
What you can do – Involve children in discussions and decisions Ask children advice about what to buy in the supermarket/shops e.g. If these drinks are 3 for £2.40 and those are 2 for £1.50, which is better value for money? Talk to children about their reading using open questions e.g. What has happened in this chapter? Tell me about the main characters. Why do you like the book? Before going on a journey, ask your child to locate the place on a map and plan the journey.