Agenda 3/28/05 Art For New Media Quick Write/Sketch Work on Art History Online Gallery Project Due on Thursday (uploaded to the web!) As you are working on your pages in Dreamweaver, remember Copyright Law for images and don't plagiarize writing—must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS for a high school audience!!! Don't forget that the first page must be named index.html An example of the proper way to write your copyright statement on each image is: Copyright © 1848 Claude Monet. Digital image from An example of the proper way to write your copyright statement on each page is: Copyright © 2005 Amanda Dahlgren except for original works of art by _______ (with digital images used under Educational Fair Use). Sketchbook Due Wednesday!
Quick Write/Sketch 3/28/05 "The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything." ~from the movie Fight Club screenplay by Jim Uhls directed by David Fincher Respond with words and sketches…