English Through Movies Class three
At The Movies
Describing a film If you've just seen a great film, you might want to tell your friends about it. Here are some ways you can tell the story (plot) of a film you've seen. It's set in…(New York / in the 1950's). The film's shot on location in Arizona. The main characters are … and they're played by… It's a mystery / thriller / love-story. You can tell the story of the film in the present simple tense. Well, the main character decides to… (rob a bank) But when he drives there… Giving your opinion I thought the film was great / OK / fantastic… The actors / costumes / screenplay are/is … The special effects are fantastic / terrible The best scene / the worst scene is when… The plot is believable / seems a bit unlikely Not telling all You don't want to spoil the film for your friends, so you can say something like: "I don't want to spoil it for you, so I'm not going to tell you what happens in the end.“ "You'll have to go and see it for yourself.“ "I don't want to ruin the surprise for you." Useful adjectives: All these are useful words and phrases to spice up your description: true-to-life (a real story) the real story of remarkable (unusual, good) masterpiece (the best work someone has done) oscar-winning
Quick Guide to using movies to improve your English
You Should Watch the movie extracts before class If you haven’t seen the movie you may want to watch it with Korean subtitles to aid understanding. If you have seen it you should try watching with English subtitles or no subtitles depending on your ability) Watch the movie in small segments of around 20mins Watch the movie extracts more than once Three times is ideal but any viewing at all helps! -The first time you should watch for the MAIN IDEA. Don’t take notes or worry about unknown vocabulary, just see how much you can understand. -The second time you may want to write anything you don’t understand. This could be vocabulary, grammar or questions about events. There will be time at the beginning of each lesson to discuss any problems. -The third time will be in class and will complete activities together. Concentrate on what you CAN understand (not what you can’t) Participate in all class activities and volunteer answers!
You Shouldn’t Worry because you don’t understand everything in the movie. The idea is to use the movie to improve your English. You can still improve your English through watching movies even if you only understand a little! Watch the whole movie (unless it’s with Korean subtitles) at all once. As you know it is hard to fully concentrate on English for that long so you won’t get the most out of it. Be afraid to be wrong. You will learn just by participating. Participating is more useful than having the right answer all the time.
Movie Reviews 8 Filmstrip Countdown
How to write a movie review.
How to write a Movie review
Movie Review What is the Genre? When was the movie made? Who is in the movie (lead and supporting) Where is the setting? What is the movie about (plot)? Why do/don’t you like the movie?
Philadelphia (1993) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l433n5zAxAU
Now it is your turn to write a review. Working together in your group please complete the bottom of the worksheet about a movie of your choice.
Homework 1. You need to write a movie review for the movie Birdman. You must give me the movie ticket/recipe. OR Take a photo of your computer/TV copy of Birdman. If you have any financial issues with going to the movie please message me and I will help you. 2. Complete the Character Profile for one of the characters from Birdman.
Birdman (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJfLoE6hanc
Next Week = NO CLASS! Next class (March 30) Hand in Birdman homework Quiz # 1