3503 Redeemed Hunter 356 Settee Galley Aft Cabin V Berth Nav Lazarette Raw H2O Engine Aft Cabin T T R Engine disconnect I Sink Drain (Galley) T T Head Intake E Settee Head Nav Lazarette Sink Drain (Head) Engine (Both) Legend Notes Engine Rotating Battery Selector must be left in “BOTH” in order for batteries to charge. House batteries are breakers, not a rotating switch. Must manage chain when using windlass, it will pile in front of the windlass and jam it up. Radiator Fill R Thru Hull With Seacock T Oil Dipstick Battery Emergency Tiller E Instrument Thru Hulls I Battery Switch
3503 Redeemed Hunter 356 Cockpit Legend Macerator Discharge Rudderpost AC Power cord Anchor Engine Kill Deck Fill – Diesel Deck Fill – Waste Propane / CNG Engine Start Deck Fill – Water
3503 Redeemed Hunter 356 Notes Rotating switch should be left in “Both” always in order for batteries to stay charged. Select 1 or 2 for house batteries with the breakers on the bottom. Chain will pile up in front of windlass when raising anchor. If you let it pile up, it will jam and trip the windlass breaker or damage the windlass. Manage the chain with a boat hook to keep it clear of the windlass when raising.