GCSE Revision French German Spanish Aim: To have a clear idea of what to revise and how to revise effectively for the Listening and Reading papers GCSE Revision French German Spanish
1. Make a list of all the topics studied. Self (physical and character description) Family Health Food Free time activities Technology Pocket money Sport Clothes TV Cinema 12. Daily routine 13. Transport 14. Holidays 15. Weather 16. House 17. Chores 18. Town 19. Environment 20. Education 21. Work
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Work through the activities in your revision book.
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Make a list of all words from your book/worksheet/handouts related to the topic el chocolate los plátanos las manzanas el pollo la pasta el arroz el pan Go through your list and cross off any which you know or which look similar to English. Split them into sublists eg ‘food’ can be split into ‘fruit’, ‘veg’ etc These are now the words to focus on.
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Use post-its! Stick them on your bedroom wall – make a pattern Stick them on your door/mirror Stick them in different parts of your house Label objects in your house
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Write out each topic’s vocab in different colours Use shades for difficulty eg navy blue = tricky, light blue = easier Make yourself challenging vocab tests with words of different colours
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Use Quizlet! Try to beat your friends’ scores! Use the audio function as well as just reading the word
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Record your voice. Listen to a set of words as you walk to/from school! Test yourself on them when you get home.
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! Use index cards. Make a set with the TL on one side and the English on the other Colour code each set.
2a. Choose a topic and make a list of all vocab related to that topic. 2b. Learn the vocab! For spatial learners: When you want to revise eg ‘clothes’, go into the room where you learnt the vocabulary initially to test yourself. Some people find that in the exam, when words they have learnt in this way come up, they can picture the room which acts as a ‘hook’ for their memory. Learn the vocab for different topic areas in different rooms of your house
3. Practise exam style questions on the topic you have just been revising using websites. Spanish: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/spanish www.languagesonline.org.uk http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=751 http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=728 http://www.spanishrevision.co.uk/gcse/gcse_index.htm http://oye.languageskills.co.uk/intermediate/year10.html (before 9 and after 4) https://quizlet.com/class/2736142/ http://www.linguascope.com/secure/students/intermediate/topics.php?language=spanish (username: nailseamfl; password: mflmore)
3. Practise exam style questions on the topic you have just been revising using websites. French: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/french www.languagesonline.org.uk http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=749 http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=750 http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=726 http://zut.languageskills.co.uk/intermediate/year10.html (before 9 and after 4) www.quizlet.com (search for AQA GCSE French) http://www.linguascope.com/secure/students/intermediate/topics.php?language=french (username: nailseamfl; password: mflmore)
3. Practise exam style questions on the topic you have just been revising using websites. German: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/german www.languagesonline.org.uk http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=759 http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=758 http://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=731 http://gut.languageskills.co.uk/intermediate/year10.html / http://gut.languageskills.co.uk/intermediate/year11.html (before 9 and after 4) www.quizlet.com (search for AQA GCSE German) http://www.linguascope.com/secure/students/intermediate/topics.php?language=german (username: nailseamfl; password: mflmore)
4. Practise full or part past papers using different exam boards Eduqas/WJEC: http://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/qualification-resources.html?subject=Spanish&level=GCSE&pastpaper=true http://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/qualification-resources.html?subject=French&level=GCSE&pastpaper=true http://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/qualification-resources.html?subject=German&level=GCSE&pastpaper=true OCR: http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-spanish-j732-j032-j132-from-2012/ http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-french-j730-j030-j130-from-2012/ http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-german-j731-j031-j131-from-2012/ Edexcel/Pearson: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/home.html Choose ‘Past Papers’, then ‘GCSE’, then the relevant subject. SQA: http://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/findpastpaper.htm Choose the subject and then ‘Standard Grade All Levels’. ‘Credit’ is similar to Higher, General to Intermediate, and Foundation is the same!
5. You are ready to tackle an AQA past paper! Spanish: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/spanish-4695/past-papers-and-mark-schemes http://www.goffs.herts.sch.uk/learning/departments/past_papers/gcse/spanish.shtml some older AQA past papers available here French: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-4655/past-papers-and-mark-schemes http://www.goffs.herts.sch.uk/learning/departments/past_papers/gcse/french.shtml some older AQA past papers available here German: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/german-4665/past-papers-and-mark-schemes
¡Buena Suerte! Bonne Chance! Viel Glück! Aim: To have a clear idea of what to revise and how to revise effectively for the Listening and Reading papers ¡Buena Suerte! Bonne Chance! Viel Glück!