August 23 E10 and EH10
Bell Collect your binder. Choose ONE of the articles that has been placed on the computer cart. Read closely. Highlight key details. Be prepared to share important details with peers in 10-15 minutes. 1 introduction to the Holocaust 2 the Final Solution 3 Nazi Camps 4 Victims
Today, we will… W2…write explanatory text to examine and convey ideas using effective organization and content by… Completing rough draft. Revising ideas, organization, voice, word choice, and sentence fluency. RI9…provide an objective summary by… Reading expository text Highlighting key details Sharing important details with peers
Night introduction… Get into groups based upon the article you read – all ones together, all twos together, etc. One at a time, share what they key details were. What must someone who hasn’t had time to read this article NEED to know????
Night introduction… Get into groups of 3 --- Each article (1, 2, 3, and 4) must be represented. Share the key elements and details from your article with your peers. While you do so, each person must locate the details and identify them in his own article. You may not simply lay the page down and say highlight this --- This will earn you and your team a 0%.
Night intro. Holocaust videos… Watch these brief videos of Holocaust survivors.
Night introduction… In your IAB (InterActive Binder)… Go to Unit 1… Number pages 1-10 Begin numbering on the LEFT hand page --- On page 2 (right hand page) Write the word holocaust and its definition as given in class Write notes as provided On page 1 (left hand page) --- Write, draw, connect… In some way encompass the emotion and feelings expressed by the survivors. If you draw a picture, be sure to write a brief caption.
Revising your essay… Revising is all about making your essay better. Read your writing with a critical eye. Ask yourself how you could make it better. Use the checklist and questions provided on your green sheet to assist you in your revision.
Shutting Down Computers Shut down computers… Leave lid OPEN… Show me computer once ALL lights are off. After I give permission, plug computer back in to the PROPER slot. Secure plug tightly.
Announcements Designate one email account by which you will communicate with me. Due to all of the problems with the school gmail account, it need not be THAT account. But, make certain you have access to one account and that you ALWAYS use that account when communicating with me. Thanks!
Homework Due to technical issues, your first technological assignment has been extended. If you have not logged on to collaborize to complete this assignment, you have until tomorrow. Make certain you make comments when expected and do not simply offer a rating.
Library… It’s off to the library we go. Please check a book out…something you would enjoy reading;) You will be dismissed from the library, so take everything with you.