ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)
ERP Modules ERP Administration CRM Financials Production HR & Payroll Mini CRM Gate In/Out Store & Inventory
About Mummy Software Corporation.. MSC is a business Software applications and Services provider serving small and medium enterprises since 2004. We have evolved Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which consists of various modules like CRM,Production,Finance,Store & Inventory etc for small and large business industries. ERP solutions developed by MuMMy are characterized for its flexibility and scalability which helps to assist making strategic decisions to mange supply and chain of raw materials to finished goods “ Over the span of ten progressive years, we, as a company, carved the best in industry with as per business solutions for our customers.”
Dashboard of ERP
CRM Store & Inventory Production Financials Mini-CRM Gate Software ERP Modules CRM Store & Inventory Production Financials Mini-CRM Gate Software Admin Panel