Review of new Question descriptions under ITU-T SG11


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Presentation transcript:

Review of new Question descriptions under ITU-T SG11 Heyuan Xu, CATR Xuheyuan NGN 12th NGN Meeting Mar. 31-April. 2, Okinawa

SG11 existing Questions Question Question title 1/11 Network signalling and control functional architectures in emerging NGN environments 2/11 Application control and signalling requirements and protocols 3/11 Session control and signalling requirements and protocols 4/11 Bearer control and signalling requirements and protocols 5/11 Resource control and signalling requirements and protocols 6/11 Assistance in preparation of a handbook on the deployment of packet based networks 7/11 Signalling and control requirements and protocols to support attachment in NGN environments 8/11 Protocol Test Specifications for NGN

Q1/11 Q.1/11 received very few contributions during the present study period, contributions to this meeting showed the growing interest in Q.1/11. Therefore, it was decided to continue Q.1/11 for the next study period.

Q2/11 study items What are, among existing appropriate standards, the candidate service protocol solutions for NGN architectures, What signalling protocols and profiles (if any) need to be defined for the use of such existing service protocols particularly between networks (end-to-end), What additional service protocol elements or new service protocols (if any) need to be developed What enhancements to existing Recommendations are required to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) or in other industries? What enhancements to developing or new Recommendations are required to provide such energy savings?

Q3/11 study items What new Recommendations are required to specify session control and signalling requirements and protocols for the Next Generation Networks (NGN)? What enhancements should be made to the existing signalling Recommendations to facilitate evolution of current networks to NGN? What enhancements should be made to the existing signalling Recommendations to accommodate emerging technologies such as Distributed network technology (GRID & Peer to peer), Multicast technology (IPTV) etc. What enhancements should be made to the existing signalling Recommendations to accommodate Private and enterprise networks? What associated mechanisms are required to assure security of session signalling and control? What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as multimedia emergency communications, lawful interception, number portability, etc.? What enhancements to existing Recommendations are required to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) or in other industries? What enhancements to developing or new Recommendations are required to provide such energy savings?

Q4/11 study items What new Recommendations on bearer signalling and control are required to realize stage 3, protocol development, of Next Generation Networks (NGN) standardization? What new Recommendations on bearer signalling and control protocols are required to support multicast data delivery services in NGN? What new Recommendations on bearer signalling and control protocols are required to support flow state aware transfer capability in NGN? This item should be progressed in close coordination with resource control protocol question. What enhancements to the existing Recommendations on bearer signalling and control should be made to facilitate the evolution of the current networks to NGN? What new Recommendations on bearer signalling and control are needed to facilitate migration of legacy networks to NGN including those providing signalling for service and network interworking? What associated mechanisms are required to assure security of bearer signalling and control? What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, number portability, etc.? What bearer signalling mechanisms could be developed for energy savings?

Q5/11 study items signalling requirements and protocols for resource control involving new types of transport protocols and transport networks (e.g. flow state aware protocols, PCE controlled networks, overlay networks); support of resource control for new application areas such as unicast/multicast flows for IPTV service, home networking, and mobility; support of handover control for mobility; new approaches to resource control such as the use of pre-congestion notification (PCN) and coordination of admission control between different domains; security of resource control and signalling; functional architecture and protocol enhancements required to support resource control for services and applications of public interest such as emergency call handling; signalling of Quality of Service (QoS) information. modifications to existing protocols and design of new protocols to reduce power consumption due to control signalling.

Q6/11 What coordination and preparation is needed by the ITU-T sector to prepare a single handbook by the ITU-T and ITU-D sectors, containing different aspects related to technical matters What associated mechanisms are required with session signalling and control to assure security? What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?

Q7/11 study items What new Recommendations are required to specify signalling and control requirements and protocols for supporting attachment and mobility procedures to both service and transport stratum? What associated mechanisms are required with attachment signalling and control to assure security for fixed and mobility cases? What functional architecture and entities are required to support services and/or applications of public interest such as emergency call handling, lawful interception, number portability, etc.?

Q8/11 study items Is the architecture of model networks for NGN TM testing (Q.3900) good for IMS, IP-TV, wireless broadband TM testing? What is the list and types of IMS tests for TM local testing and NUT? What is the list and types of IP-TV tests for TM local testing and NUT? What is the list and types of wireless broadband TM tests for TM local testing and NUT? What are the testing scenarios for TM local tests for IMS? What are the testing scenarios for NUT tests for IMS? What are the testing scenarios for TM local tests for IP-TV? What are the testing scenarios for NUT tests for IP-TV? What are the testing scenarios for TM local tests for wireless broadband TM? What are the testing scenarios for NUT tests for wireless broadband TM? What are the testing scenarios for RACF of NGN?

SG11 new Questions Question Question title 9/11 Monitoring parameters for NGN 10/11 Service tests specification for NGN 11/11 QoS tests specification for NGN 12/11 USN and RFID test specification 13/11 Coordination of work on Emergency Communications within an NGN environment 14/11 Security Coordination For NGN Protocols

Q9/11 study items What is the parameters set for SIP protocol monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for H.248 protocol monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for voice (transfer) service level monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for streaming video service level monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for service level Agreements performance monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for IP information flows monitoring subsystem (RTP/RTCP protocols level). What is the parameters set for application server monitoring subsystem. What is the parameters set for hardware faults and reconfiguring procedures monitoring subsystem.

Q10/11 study items What types of services could be tested at the model network based in accordance Q.3900? What is the model network architecture should be used for services testing? What is the list of tests for services at model network based in accordance Q.3900? What are the testing scenarios for basic call service? What are the testing scenarios for interactive services? What are the testing scenarios for streaming services? What are the testing scenarios for background services?

Q11/11 study items Is the architecture of model networks based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 advanced for QoS testing? What the types and list of tests for QoS could be done at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for traffic-unloaded conditions? What the types and lists of tests for QoS could be done at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for traffic-loaded conditions? What is the type for traffic arriving process for simulation traffic load at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests? What is the set of constituent parts for traffic-load simulation at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests? What is the testing scenarios for QoS testing for intra NGN domain connectivity conditions at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests? What is the testing scenarios for QoS testing for inter NGN domain connectivity conditions at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests? What is the types and lists of services level agreements (SLA) which will be test at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests? What is the testing scenarios for SLA at model network based in accordance with recommendation Q.3900 for QoS tests?

Q12/11 study items What is the architecture of model network part for test USN and RFID? What is types of USN and RFID could be test on the model network? What is types and list of tests for USN and RFID TM? What are the testing scenarios for USN and RFID tests on the model network?

Q13/11 study items the content of the work program of the Study Group required to standardize the Emergency Communication capabilities called for by the plans set by the respective lead Study Groups; definition of signalling requirements in support of Emergency Communications; creation of Recommendations in response to these requirements where the work is not covered by other Questions in the Study Group; proposals for changes to the overall plans maintained by the respective lead Study Groups, to provide for new capabilities, to provide better realization of capabilities already being standardized, or to remove obsolete content.

Q14/11 study items the content of an appropriate policy for the consideration of protocol security in the work of the Study Group; the means to assure that such a policy is being followed in practice; exceptions to the general policy in the case of specific Recommendations; the impact of security-related work in other groups on the work of protocol security within this Study Group at the policy level; the means by which technical developments in protocol security achieved in other groups may be communicated to interested Questions in this Study Group, and the reverse.

Summary Number Question status A 1 Continuation of Q1/11 B2 D4 Continuation of Q4/11 E5 Continuation of Q5/11 F6 Continuation of Q6/11 G7 Continuation of Q7/11 H8 Continuation of Q8/11

Summary Number Question status I9 New Question J10 K11 L12 M13 New Question (coord) on ETS & TDR N14 Coord on Security

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