Tempo al Tempo Team Reds (6/3/12) Kathren Aryanata Jennifer Barncord Jessica Iaconis Melissa Packard Anthony Rummings Mary Williams
Introduction Tempo al Tempo is Italian for “All in good time”. We are a casual Italian restaurant that utilizes the farm to table concept. Farm to table concept essentially means we will use local farmers to supply the majority of our ingredients to ensure the freshest quality. Our concept will benefit the economy of our local community, which is Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Our Mission Our mission is to be the best without compromising sustainability. We will deliver our guests exciting Italian cuisine prepared with locally produced ingredients in effort to support the community and obtain the highest level of customer satisfaction.
purpose and values Purposes Values Revolutionize the dining experience of restaurant goers. Use of quality, organic ingredients. Creatively use fresh ingredients to create an extraordinary meal. Our guests Quality customer service Menu creativity and a friendly atmosphere Honesty and integrity of employees, as well as professionalism We strive to be the best of the best
s.w.o.t. analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Family owned and operated New concept that will attract wide range of customers Farm fresh ingredients, which will yield superb food quality Weaknesses No brand or franchise recognition Off season of ingredients grown Higher level of food cost due to quality and freshness of ingredients Opportunities Farm to table concept is fasted growing concept Fresh ingredients entice health crazed customers Opportunity to partner with local farmers Threats Bad climate or growing season affects inventory and menu Liabilities with local farmers Economic changes could affect profit margin
Marketing plan Target adults ages 28-55 years old and empty nesters. Geographic: Easily accessible and plenty of parking in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Demographic: Customers in our target market that enjoy casual Italian cuisine prepared with quality, fresh ingredients. Psychographic: Adventurous people who will enjoy quality meals and like to “treat themselves”. Behavioral: Superb customer service of all employees to ensure the best dining experience.
Marketing strategies Advertising- Eye and ear catching advertisements that include radio, newspaper, and billboards. Social media- Includes Facebook or blogs. Use this as a way to sign up for special promotions or giveaways. Word of mouth- The cheapest form of marketing. Keep customers happy, and they will spread the word about the restaurant. Wine pairing/wine tasting- An event for customers and potential customers to experience dishes that will be paired with a wine that complements the dish.
Chosen Strategy We will work with local farmers markets to promote our restaurant. We will have a booth or tent set up in order to display samples of our dishes that will be free to the public. This will enable us to have first hand feedback from potential customers who already enjoy fresh ingredients. It will also give us a chance to show them how we can creatively create superb dishes from the same every day ingredients that they purchase.
Financial Analysis We will start with $250,000, with 25% coming from owner’s equity. As equal partners, we will all invest $10,417. The commercial loan we will acquire will be for the amount of $162,500. The line of credit will be $25,000.
Code of conduct and ethics Introduces the types of conducts that are acceptable for our business. It will enable employees to learn our company’s ethics and a general guideline as to how to follow them. We expect each employee to have the ability to decipher between what is considered to be right or wrong. We uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all of our business transactions and interactions. The full list of Code of Conduct will be posted in employee sight, as well as employee handbooks to ensure that each employee understands them thoroughly and agrees to comply with our conduct and ethic rules.
Conclusion In making this venture plan, we have gained the knowledge and understanding that goes along with opening a small business; while we are no means experts in the field, we are confident that in the implementation of this plan it would be successful. This experience gives us a new appreciation for the word entrepreneur and for those who are brave enough to endeavor into small business ownership. Thanks for your time, Team Reds