Chapter 6 Section 4 War of 1812
Objectives Identify the events that led to the War Hawks’ call for war. Analyze the major battles and conflicts of the War of 1812. Explain the significance of the War of 1812.
Trouble with Native Americans Shawnee warrior Tecumseh and his brother tried to unite Native Americans to fight American expansion. Following victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, William Henry Harrison burned Prophetstown, Tecumseh’s village.
Westerners blamed the British in Canada for arming the Indians, and demanded action.
War Hawks Led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina and Henry Clay of Kentucky. They denounced Britain’s impressment of U.S. sailors and its support for Native Americans. They believed an invasion of Canada would stop British aid to the Indians and force Britain to respect America at sea.
War of 1812 Congress declared war in June 1812. The nation was totally unprepared, with only a small army and navy.
Thomas Jefferson advised Madison that an invasion of Canada would be easy. He was proved wrong and repeated attempts to invade Canada failed.
Early American Victories The British were occupied with European Wars. The small American navy did surprisingly well.
Defeating the Natives Americans won several victories against Native Americans. William Henry Harrison finally killed Tecumseh. Andrew Jackson defeated the Seminoles in Florida.
Britain Focuses on America British troops occupied eastern Maine. A second army invaded New York from Montreal but was turned back. A third force invaded Maryland, burning Washington, D.C., but failed to take Baltimore. A fourth Army headed to New Orleans. They would be routed by Andrew Jackson.
The Americans’ worst humiliation came when British troops burned the White House and Capitol.
The Treaty of Ghent Both sides agreed to return to prewar boundaries. A commission was set up to discuss any future boundary disputes. Impressment and American neutrality were not discussed.
Several events of the War of 1812 fostered American pride. The British failure to take Fort McHenry in Baltimore inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In January 1815, Andrew Jackson crushed the British in the Battle of New Orleans.
The Battle of New Orleans Took place after the War of 1812 had officially ended. News of a treaty had not yet arrived. Although it did not affect the outcome of the war, Andrew Jackson’s victory made him a national hero.
The war was not popular with everyone. After the Treaty of Ghent, these Federalists were discredited as traitors and by 1820, the Federalist Party had disappeared. A group of Federalists held the Hartford Convention in December 1814 to consider secession and making a separate peace with Britain.
The War of 1812
War of 1812