Operations StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is managed by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science Operations StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans Andrew Kimber 29th June 2016 Blue Title Page
Reliability Team Andrew Kimber (EES Department Head) – Task Force Lead Matt Bickley (Accelerator Operations Deputy) Jonathan Creel (Cryogenics Department Head) Tommy Hiatt (Mechanical Engineering – Magnets) Jerry Kowal (EES - Safety Systems) Randy Michaud (Accelerator Operability) Steve Smith (ESH&Q) Bob Sperlazza (Facilities) Stakeholders Hugh Montgomery (Sponsor) Andrew Hutton (Accelerator Division Head) Will Oren (Engineering Division Head) Arne Freyberger (Director of Accelerator Operations) Blue Interior Page Design 2 Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 2/<total>
Motivation General system performance (uptime) is not where we need it to be Large failures (magnets, cryo), lots of smaller failures As a direct response to the Accelerator Advisory Committee comments and recommendations: “Higher availability allows more experiments to be executed. The quantitative failure analysis should be more specific, and sophisticated and a clear strategy or plan for preventive maintenance should be presented, otherwise a goal of >90% availability remains unrealistic.” “Present a clear strategy for achieving the stated goal of 90% availability.” Blue Interior Page Design 2 High reliability has secondary benefits: Credibility, securing future work (JLEIC), efficient use of available resources, no 3am calls, morale… Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 3/<total>
Progress so far.. The team has met 4 times on a weekly basis Framework: Brainstormed ‘issues’ with reaching high reliability (70+ and counting), this will continue throughout the process Binned in to one of six categories: Equipment and systems Tools Blue Interior Page Design 2 Organization (Group level) Culture Organization (Accel/Lab level) Managing expectations Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 4/<total>
Initial cut Blue Interior Page Design 2 Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 5/<total>
Conclusions (4 weeks in…) Caveats: Entries have not been weighted Still gathering data Bins might be slightly incorrect Culture and Organization (Accel/Lab level) are leading the way These should be fixable! cheaply! although may take time… Tools and Equipment & Systems come a close second Organization (Group level) probably needs more thought… Managing expectations is highest secondary factor as primary factors start to affect how we run the machine and we trade off reliability for other considerations (energy reach, short term runtime, budgets, resource allocation, priorities…) Blue Interior Page Design 2 Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 6/<total>
Overall reliability strategy that the lab/CEBAF can use long term Future Plans Continue identifying and categorizing issues (both broad and specific) Identify common themes, and hopefully common solutions! Solve the problem of metrics What should we measure? How should we measure it? Compare where we are now to where we are later Help with FY17 funding efforts to target $$ and Overall reliability strategy that the lab/CEBAF can use long term Blue Interior Page Design 2 Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 7/<total>
Future Plans StayTreat Presentation Today! (~1 month) Continue to iterate issues and solutions. Identify roadblocks and common problems. Look at metrics and how we measure success. Strategize for the short, medium and long term. Presentation – Strategy outline Early August (~2 months) Strategy document October (~4 months) Blue Interior Page Design 2 Ops StayTreat 2016: Reliability Team Plans – 29th June 2016 – Andrew Kimber Slide 8/<total>