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Webinar Agenda Overview of Programs First Home/First Down Next Home/Next Home Grant Compliance Review Process First Home Next Home Process and Flow of Loan File/Documents MFA Idaho Housing Forms Down Payment Assistance (“DPA”)Funding Process Loan closing/funding Delivery of Closed Loan Files Lender funded DPA Note Delivery/Closed File Delivery Trailing Docs Endorsement/Allonge Net Payment for Purchased Loans
Overview of Programs
Overview of Programs “First Home” Program First Time Homebuyer Program $500 borrower contribution 620 credit score 0% Origination Fee and 0% Discount Fee Homebuyer Counseling Required for all Borrowers Government (“FHA, VA, USDA, HUD Section 184”) and Conventional (“HFA Preferred”) rates Income Limits and Acquisition Cost Limits detailed in First Home Program Policy and on MFA’s website at www.housingnm.org Can be used in conjunction with “First Down” (for down payment assistance) or as a stand alone first mortgage “First Home” Program is for first time homebuyers – the definition of a first time homebuyers is: either this is the homebuyer’s first home or the homebuyer has not owned a home as their primary residence for a full three years. $500 Contribution, must be from the borrower’s own funds, not a gift, grant or credit card charge. 620 minimum credit score 0 & 0 to the borrower; however, the lender will be paid a 1% origination fee at the time the loan is purchased Homebuyer Counseling – E-Home America (MFA’s website) or HUD approved agency All products – Government and only HFA Preferred Conventional Income Limits/Acquisition cost Used in conjunction with First Down
Overview of Programs “First Down” Program Down Payment Assistance 2nd Mortgage Loan Up to $8,000 30 year, fixed rate (6.00%) $100 origination fee may be charged Used for minimum down payment and closing costs only No cash back to homebuyer at closing Combined with First Home Program 2nd Mortgage Maximum loan amount is $8,000 determined by need 30 year fixed rate 6% The lender may charge $100 origination fee for the 2nd; must be disclosed up front First Down can only be used for the minimum down payment and closing costs. If a borrower wishes to put more money down then they will need to have the funds from another source: savings, gift, etc. The borrower cannot receive any funds back from the 1st or 2nd mortgages. However, if they paid for the appraisal out of closing and wish to put the cost into the second mortgage, then they can get the funds back at closing because it was their own funds up front.
Overview of Programs “Next Home” No First Time Homebuyer Requirement Includes 3.0% DPA grant to homebuyer (“Next Home Grant”) One Income Limit and one Purchase Price limit $ 90,000 income $350,000 purchase price $500 borrower contribution 620 credit score 0% Origination Fee and 0% Discount Fee Must be primary residence. Homebuyer can own another home. Update-HFA Preferred Conventional Product now allows the homebuyer to have an ownership interest in another residential dwelling at the time of loan closing HFA Preferred fact sheet is available on MFA’s website @ www.housingnm.org The borrowers do not need to have owned a home prior to obtaining this mortgage; first time borrowers are eligible as well. 3% of the final loan amount appears as a credit on the settlement statement that can be used for costs associated with the closing of this loan. The Next Home income limits are higher because this program is not funded by bond funds. The Income Limit and Purchase Price is for the entire state $500 Contribution, must be from the borrower’s own funds, not a gift, grant or credit card charge. 620 minimum credit score 0 & 0 to the borrower; however, the lender will be paid a 1% origination fee at the time the loan is purchased Primary Residence – must follow FNMA Guidelines- Now allows occupant borrower to own another property
Overview of New Programs “Next Home” (cont.) Qualify with income from borrower(s) Lender’s underwriter determines MFA qualifying income not to exceed program limits Simplified Documentation Lenders will not need to provide: Paystubs Tax returns Bank statements VOR’s VOE’s No “bond loan” documentation (i.e. Recapture Notice, Affidavit of Buyer/Seller, Riders) Income – MFA does not calculate the income – The lender’s underwriter determines the income and MFA reviews the final AUS findings to make sure the borrower(s) are eligible for the program. Simplified Documentation – MFA will go over the documentation when we review the Compliance Checklists No “bond loan” documentation -
Overview of Programs “Next Home Grant” 3.0% DPA grant to the homebuyer Lenders will reserve Next Home grant via the Online Reservation system Grant is 3.0% of the total loan amount of the 1st Mortgage When 1st mortgage is reserved, then click on “reserve a second” and reserve the grant amount. Enter the grant amount including the cents in the “loan amount” field even though it is not a loan (this is the only way to enter the Grant in the Online Reservation System) Grant can be used for down payment, closing costs, etc. Cannot be used for cash back to the homebuyer Each Next Home Grant is assigned an ID number at time of reservation The Grant is reserved via the On-line Reservation System and is 3% of the total loan amount (including the cents – don’t round up or down).
Compliance Review Process
Overview of DPA Funding Process Compliance Review Process Lender will submit a Compliance File to MFA for review Follow current process (submit electronically) After Compliance Approval Lender will receive a “Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment” for each first mortgage and DPA second mortgage loan Lender will also receive a “DPA Funding Commitment” for DPA loan or grant Lender closes first mortgage and second mortgage loans in their name and funds the first and second mortgage loans or grant at the closing table Other than the pre-closing Compliance Approval, no additional approval from MFA is required prior to closing
First Home/First Down Must provide documentation for MFA to calculate income, determine property eligibility, first time homebuyer status, etc. MFA calculates Household Income All income from married couple included in income calculation Must provide VOE, VOR, bank statements, etc. Homebuyer counseling required for all borrowers/married couples First time homebuyer (“bond”) Affidavits/Disclosures must be signed at closing Provide income documentation – send the most current pay stub when submitting Compliance File MFA calculates the Household Income All income from a married couple – if spouse is taking title sole and separate, make sure to obtain the current paystub, VOE and VOR for the spouse not taking title. Homebuyer counseling certificate must have all borrowers names and must not be older than 1 year First time homebuyer Affidavits signed at closing
Next Home/Next Home Grant MFA will use the lender credit underwriting income to qualify the borrower for the program MFA will not calculate “program” income separately All credit underwriting income will be used including co-signer income Lender is not required to submit paystubs, VOE, VOR, bank statements to MFA Very limited documentation Appraisal Purchase contract Correct and accurate Next Home Reservation/Lock Commitment Correct and accurate Next Home DPA Grant Reservation/Lock Commitment Credit report Counseling certificate (FTHB only) Final first mortgage loan application FINAL underwriter approval and DU Findings Complete and accurate Next Home Compliance Addendum No “bond” documents need to be signed, even if the borrower is a first time homebuyer Homebuyer counseling is only required for first time homebuyers MFA uses the income that shows on the AUS – we will need the final AUS to determine income qualification If there is a co-signer on the loan, be aware that the co-signer income shows on the AUS because it is used for qualifying which then will usually show the borrower over income and then the loan would need to go regular market. Limited documentation No Bond documentation Housing counseling for first time homebuyers or if borrower has had a foreclosure or bankruptcy (in Compliance Manual)
Process and Flow of Loan File/Documents
Process and Flow of Loan File Process and Flow of Loan File/Documents MFA (via Online Reservation System) Loan Reservation (First Home & First Down OR Next Home & Next Home Grant) Compliance Review Clearing Compliance Conditions Compliance Approval Forms and Checklists for closed loans Close First and Second loans Delivery of original 2nd mortgage Note Idaho Housing(via Lender Connection) Delivery of first mortgage closed loan file Delivery of Lender Funded DPA Loan File Delivery of original 1st mortgage Note Purchase pending conditions Purchase of first mortgage Purchase/reimbursement of DPA Concurrent purchase process and separate purchase advices for the first mortgage and DPA loan
Reservation/Compliance Review/Compliance Approval Forms All Reservation/Compliance Review/Compliance Approval Forms will print directly from the ILRS Forms will be populated with individual loan information Loan number (Second Mortgage or Grant ID# will have to be completed manually on the MFA Compliance Addendum) Loan Amount Borrower/Co-Borrower name Property address Forms will be available to print based on the status of the loan First Home, First Down, Next Home, Next Home Grant Loan Reservation/Lock Commitments (Provided at time of Reservation) Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment (Provided at time of Compliance Approval for all loans excluding the Next Home Grant) DPA Funding Commitment for second mortgage or grant (Provided at time of Compliance Approval) Sample Forms are available on MFA’s website www.housingnm.org The forms are printed from the MFA system through “print documents”. The documents are coded to be printed at a certain status of the loan. Make sure that the information entered into the MFA system is correct and review all the forms before they are submitted to MFA, closing or Idaho.
Reservation/Compliance Review/Compliance Approval Forms (continued) “MFA Compliance Addendum” Print at time of loan reservation Separate Compliance Addendums for First Home and Next Home “Index Sheets and Compliance Review Checklists” First Home with First Down or stand alone First Home Next Home and DPA Grant (single checklist) FTHB bond loan documentation (“First Home”) Affidavit of Seller Affidavit of Buyer Notice of Potential Recapture Tax Exempt Financing Rider VA Rider (if applicable) The Addendums will be shown and reviewed when we go over the checklists The Index Sheets and Compliance Review Checklists are printed as a set of forms. The Index Sheet will show the loan number, section of the package and a bar code which will let the system know where to parse the file to.
Reservation and Compliance Review MFA Loan reserved on MFA’s Internet Loan Reservation System (“ILRS”) Loan Reservation/Lock Commitment form(s) available for print Compliance File submitted via ILRS Index Sheets and checklists printed off ILRS First Home/First Down packaged together Next Home/Next Home Grant packaged together Compliance Review conducted by MFA If suspended, Compliance Suspense Conditions printed via ILRS Compliance Suspense conditions submitted via ILRS Compliance Approval Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment available to print DPA Funding Commitment also available to print All loans/grants to be reserved and have the Loan Reservation/Lock Commitment printed Compliance files are submitted electronically MFA will review the Compliance files and the lender will receive an e-mail stating that the status changed; then the lender will sign back into the ILRS to retrieve the conditions or print documents Loan/Grant Reservation Compliance Submission Compliance Review Compliance Suspense Compliance Approval Close 1st and 2nd in Lender‘s name
Compliance Approval Forms “Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment” MFA’s commitment to purchase the loan from the Lender Details the terms and conditions by which the Master Servicer will purchase the loan Loan that is delivered to Master Servicer must match the terms and conditions of the “Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment” It is the Lender responsibility to ensure that the “Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment” is accurate prior to loan closing All information on the Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment MUST be correct.
Compliance Approval Forms (continued) “DPA Funding Commitment” Provided for DPA second mortgage loans and DPA grant MFA’s commitment to purchase the DPA loan or reimburse the grant to the Lender Includes information required by FHA/FNMA regarding DPA secondary financing (if applicable), source of DPA funds, commitment of DPA funds by MFA and a gift letter (if applicable) for the borrower It is the Lender’s responsibility to ensure that the “DPA Funding Commitment” is accurate prior to loan closing MFA will only purchase/reimburse for the amount listed on the “DPA Funding Commitment” and “Compliance Approval/Loan Purchase Commitment” Switch to the Compliance Checklists and review in this order: First Home/First Down Compliance Checklist Switch to the Addendum when it shows on the checklist Switch back to the First Home/First Down Compliance Checklist When finished with the checklist switch to the Next Home Checklist The final document to bring up will be the Next Home Addendum
Closing First and Second Loans Close First and Second Mortgages in Lender’s Name Close First Mortgages on standard forms depending on investor Close Second Mortgages on standard FNMA Note and Mortgage (Do not use a Deed of Trust for the Second Mortgages) First Home Program Loans will need the Bond Documents executed Next Home Program Loans do not have any Bond Document executed The loans are closed in the Lender’s name (both first and second) All first mortgages are closed on standard forms according to the investor The seconds are closed on standard FNMA Note and Mortgage. Deed of Trusts are not allowed. DO NOT use the documents from Idaho’s website (they have Idaho Housing and Finance Association in the documents and in the footer) Bond documents (Affidavits, Riders, etc.) will be used for the First Home program but not the Next Home program. Close Loan(s) Close loans in Lender’s Name Deliver Original 2nd Mortgage Note Deliver Closed loans to Idaho Housing
Loan Delivery and Purchase Process Idaho Housing Closed Loan delivered to Idaho Housing for Purchase Closed Loan delivery checklists for Idaho Housing Closed First and Second Loan file(s) delivered to Idaho Housing (Including Lender funded DPA Grant) Delivery of original 1st mortgage Note Closed Loan Review Purchase pending conditions for first mortgage and lender funded DPA Purchase/DPA Conditions Conditions uploaded, reviewed and cleared First Mortgage Loan Purchase/DPA Loan Reimbursement provided by Idaho Housing via Lender Connection Separate purchase advice for each loan One wire for both First Mortgage Loan Purchase/Grant Reimbursement One purchase advice The closed loan delivery checklists are located on the MFA website and the Idaho website. The checklists are one long checklist with the small MFA items checklist, the packages are uploaded to Idaho as one big package and not in sections like the Compliance files. When Idaho sends the wires to the lenders, the wire will be for all loans purchased that day firsts and second. Delivery of Closed Loan(s) Closed Loan Review Purchase/DPA Conditions Loan Purchase/DPA Reimbursement
Forms Closed Loan Delivery/Purchase Closed Loan Delivery File checklists available on MFA website for loans to be delivered to Idaho Separate Checklists for each Loan Type on MFA’s website Idaho Housing MFA Lender Checklist MFA Items Delivery Checklist (First Home or Next Home) First Down DPA Closed Loan Checklist Checklists combined in Closed Loan file delivered to Idaho Housing First mortgage and DPA checklists included in file upload via Lender Connection
Closed Loan File Delivery 1st Mortgage loan documents uploaded to Lender Connection using IHFA checklist and stacking order 2nd Mortgage loan documents uploaded to Lender Connection using NM MFA checklist and stacking order Include a copy of the Original 2nd Note in Loan File upload Two separate uploads are requested
Down Payment Assistance (“DPA”) Funding Process
DPA Funding Process Each DPA loan or DPA grant is reserved separately from the first mortgage Each DPA Loan or Grant reservation gets a unique loan number (First Down) or ID number (Next Home Grant) Each Reservation will receive a separate DPA Reservation/Lock Commitment Each type of down payment assistance will receive a DPA Funding Commitment Sample forms are available on the MFA website (www.housingnm.org) Lender is responsible for ensuring all applicable program guidelines, rules, regulations, processes and procedures are followed
DPA Funding Process All DPA is funded by the Lender at closing Next Home grant or First Down DPA loans (First Down) are closed in the name of the lender DPA loan is assigned/transferred through MERS to MFA at loan purchase OR if lender does not participate in MERS a paper assignment is recorded after the loan is purchased First mortgage loan is assigned/transferred through MERS to Idaho Housing MFA MERS Org. ID #1013401 DPA is reimbursed to lender when the first mortgage loan is purchased First mortgage assigned/transferred to Idaho Housing using their MERS Org. ID
DPA Funding Process Lender receives Compliance Approval from MFA Lender Closes first mortgage and DPA second mortgage loan Lender funds DPA at closing (2nd mortgage or Grant) Lender Assigns/Transfers First Mortgage to Idaho Housing Idaho Housing provides purchase advice for both the first mortgage and DPA 2nd mortgage and the first mortgage/grant combination Lender Delivers Closed Loan Package to Idaho Housing (or MFA) Lender Assigns/Transfers DPA 2nd Mortgage to MFA
Lender Funded DPA DPA 2nd mortgage loans are closed on standard FNMA or standard FNMA Multi-State Note and Mortgage. The Lender will provide a “goodbye letter” to homebuyer on both the first and DPA 2nd mortgage loans when the loan is assigned/transferred Payment Address for 2nd Mortgages (Lock Box): MFA, P.O. Box 912727, Denver, Colorado 80291-2727 Correspondence Address for 2nd Mortgages: MFA, 344 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 MFA Phone numbers for borrowers: 505.843.6880 or Toll Free (within the state of NM) 1.800.444.6880
Lender Funded DPA Idaho will provide a “welcome letter” to the homebuyer on the first mortgage loans MFA will provide a “welcome letter” to the homebuyer on the DPA 2nd mortgage loans Idaho will service all First Mortgage Loans MFA will service all DPA 2nd mortgage loans
Note Delivery Original 1st Mortgage Note sent to Idaho Housing: Idaho Housing and Finance Association 565 W. Myrtle St. Boise, ID 83702 Original 2nd Mortgage Note sent to New Mexico MFA New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority 344 4th Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102
Trailing Documents 1st Mortgage docs to IHFA Final Title Policy, Insurance Certificate (if applicable) and Original Recorded Mortgage, including Riders and Original Recorded Assignment (if applicable), delivered to: Idaho Housing and Finance Association Attn: Document Center 565 W. Myrtle Street Boise, ID 83702 ****Final Title Policy and Insurance Certificate may be uploaded to Lender Connection ****
Trailing Documents 2nd Mortgage docs to NM MFA Recorded 2nd Mortgage documents delivered to: New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority 344 4th Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 **Please write 2nd (DPA) MFA loan number on the top of the document**
1st Mortgage Note Endorsement to IHFA Pay to the order of Idaho Housing and Finance Association (no Ampersand signs, must spell out “And”) Without Recourse Lender Name _____(signature)_____ Signatory’s typed name, Title
2nd Mortgage Note Endorsement to New Mexico MFA Pay to the order of New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Without Recourse Lender Name _____(signature)_____ Signatory’s typed name, Title
If Using an Allonge OR Borrower’s Name (exact match to Note) Property Address (exact match to Note) Note/Loan Amount Note Date (no closing date if different) Pay to the Order of Idaho Housing and Finance Association (No Ampersand sign) (First Mortgage) OR Pay to the Order of New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (No Ampersand sign) (DPA Mortgage) Without Recourse Company Name as it appears on the Note Signature Line Signatory’s Typed Name Signatory’s Title
Loans Purchased within 15 days of First Payment Due Date First payment (and subsequent payments) will be netted out of purchase amount of the First Mortgage purchase Purchase Statement will account for escrow amount Lender retains entire PITI First payment (and subsequent payments) will be netted out of purchase amount of the Second Mortgage purchase
Additional Items MFA program documents available on MFA website Compliance Manual for First Home/First Down Compliance Manual for Next Home/ Next Home grant Online Reservation Manual Sample Forms Checklists Fact Sheets Program Policies
Contact Information Idaho Housing and Finance Association Mark Suderman, Loan Acquisition Manager MarkS@IHFA.org 208-331-7870
Contact Information- (Cont.) New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Anita Rehm-Racicot, Homeownership Lead aracicot@housingnm.org, 505-767-2230 Cynthia Marquez, Compliance Specialist cmarquez@housingnm.org, 505-767-2238 Lisa Romero, Compliance Specialist lromero@housingnm.org, 505-767-2208 Shawn Rasmussen, Lending Specialist srasmussen@housingnm.org, 505-767-2259
Contact Information- (Cont.) New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (Cont.) Melissa Cabrera , Lending Specialist mcabrera@housingnm.org, 505-767-2223 Barbara Tashkandy, Lending Coordinator btashkandy@housingnm.org, 505-767-2261 Teri Baca, Homeownership Representative tbaca@housingnm.org, 505-238-7375 Eunice Duran, Homeownership Representative eduran@housingnm.org, 505-239-1301