New ALA Sponsorship Year JAX-ALA invites you to join us in achieving our goal of providing educational opportunities, professional development and support to the legal community. This guide contains detailed information about each sponsorship opportunity. Mark your calendars now - the first opportunity for 2014 Sponsorship Registration: Sponsorship Year is as follows: January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 Business Partner Registration Opens for Current Year Business Partners: September 1, 2013 Remaining Sponsor Levels Open to New Business Partners Beginning November 1, 2013 Contributions or gifts to JAX-ALA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
ALA AND THE VALUE OF PARTNERSHIP The Association of Legal Administrators is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1971 with its headquarters located in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Its membership has grown steadily over the years and now has over 10,000 members from 30 countries world-wide. The local Jacksonville Chapter was chartered in 1985 and has 35 members. These members are involved in the decision making and management of law firms and government agencies. When evaluating their needs for goods and services, our members are encouraged to consider companies which have developed a relationship with our Chapter, which typically is established through sponsorships in our Business Partners’ program. Listed below are just a few of the many reasons we value our business partner relationships: One of our primary missions is to educate our members to the highest standards, which is made possible, in large part, through your sponsorship dollars. Chapter members depend upon contacts within the business community who will share their expertise about their products and services helping them stay in forefront of the latest technology. Experience and trust grow from consistent and repeated contact with our Business Partners, which allow administrators to rely on resources outside their firms. Trusting Business Partner relationships bring to the administrator enhanced credibility and improved quality of management within legal service organizations. Those who provide our external business services are always our first choice in seeking sponsorships. We hope you will find this 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities Guide useful when planning your future involvement with JAX-ALA. Thank you for your support in assisting us to achieve our mission. We value your expertise, participation and commitment. Thank you for making this partnership a success!
THE JACKSONVILLE CHAPTER ASSOCIATION OF LEGAL ADMINISTRATORS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LEGAL ADMINISTRATORS Mary Beth Wimmer President Jean L. Pimental President-Elect Elizabeth A. Locke Vice-President Lora Caudill Secretary Erin A. Juzapavicus Treasurer Michelle Winstead Past President Education Beth S. Buning Salary Survey IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND NEXT STEPS: Review the benefits and rewards of our Business Partner Program to select the partnership level that best meets your company’s needs. Complete your enrollment form. Mail enrollment form with payment to: Elizabeth A. Locke Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP 50 N. Laura Street, Suite 2600 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Don’t miss your opportunity to partner with JAX ALA! Enrollment in our Business Partner Program occurs only once a year!
Right of first renewal: IMPORTANT DATES Right of first renewal: Current Business Partners are guaranteed renewal at current Sponsorship Levels until November 1, 2013. All upgrades, changes and new Business Partner commitments will be honored on a first received basis. September 1, 2013 Business Partner Program Begins – January 1, 2014 October 31, 2013 Sponsorship Right of First Renewal Commitment Due November 1, 2013 New Business Partners are Invited to Join December 31, 2013 All Sponsorship Commitments Due January 1, 2014 2014 Business Partner Program Begins January 30, 2014 All Payments are Due (unless under a payment plan)
More Face Time for Bronze – Titanium Levels We have added a Business Partner Bonanza! The Lunch Bunches have been a Success! Bi-Monthly Evening Business Partner Socials have been a Success! Business Partners Invite to Holiday Party – Tons of Fun!
Holiday Luncheon Silver – Titanium Levels Sponsorship, Plus Attendance at the Holiday Luncheon! Our Holiday Party is one of the most exciting events we have, our members enjoy the gift exchange! Each year we donate gifts to the children of Hubbard House and bring a wrapped gift to participate in the white elephant gift exchange. No gag gifts please. Business Partners are asked to join in the fun by sharing in our giving spirit and bring an unwrapped gift to Hubbard House and a wrapped gift to exchange (not to exceed $25.00).
Managing Partner Luncheon Gold – Titanium Levels Table Sponsorship, Plus Attendance at the Managing Partner Luncheon! Our most important member event of the year! Our Managing Partners are invited to lunch to listen to a dynamic speaker. We hope that we are able to convey to them how valuable our Association is to our firm and the important roll we play by being involved in our Association. By partnering with the Jacksonville Chapter of ALA, Business Partners and Chapter Members have the opportunity to develop strong and sustaining relationships.
Our Jacksonville Chapter Business Partner calendar year is from: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
ALA Cart Items Additional Attendee to any Event $150.00 (Where attendance is limited i.e. except where noted in ALA Cart Items) Holiday Luncheon Table Sponsor (Limit 4 Tables) $150.00 (Additional Attendance, Sponsor a Table Center Piece i.e. Gift Basket or Holiday themed give-a-way!) Bonanza/ Mixer (per person) $150.00 (Additional for one person at this Grand Event) Sponsor Community Challenge Event $150.00 (Donate T-Shirts or Supplies needed for Event)