Sponsorship & Exhibition Strategies Explore new or alternative way to services and involve commercial partners in your events. How can partners make the event the launch platform for year round revenue generation opportunities? 18 Feb. 2013
Table of Contents Meaning of Sponsorship in the New Era Traditional Way to Draw Commercial Partners New or Alternative Way to Involve Commercial Partners in Your Events How Can Partners Maximize ROI through Sponsorship & Exhibition
Profit-oriented Clients Minimizing Expenditure PCO's Profits Reduction 1. Meaning of Sponsorship in the New Era Profit-oriented Clients Minimizing Expenditure PCO's Profits Reduction 2013 Global Meeting Forecast More Responsibilities Drawn for Sponsorship
Client-driven sales model 2. Traditional Way to Draw Commercial Partners Client-driven sales model PCO CLIENT Make a list of prospective partners Choose target partners Send ‘Sponsorship Prospectus’ to the targets Client: Sponsorship package sales through phone calls Sponsorship Registration management
Conference Exhibition Clients Related Corporate 2. Traditional Way to Draw Commercial Partners Distinct Characteristics of Korea South Korea Economic Structure Conglomerate Company Mid-sized Company Small Business Domination of a Conglomerate Company & Hierarchical Economy Structure Hampers New Market Creation Sponsorship & Exhibition business model of Korea Conference Exhibition Commercial Exhibition Securing Financial Resources Business Purpose Traditional Methods Financial Resources Pressure Clients Related Corporate
2. Traditional Way to Draw Commercial Partners Challenges Threats Current Status Recession Strict Government Restriction Discouraging Sponsorship Break Down Sponsorship Packages Into Many Categories Competitiveness Too Much Duplicated Field Events Medical Law Revision The Imposition of Fair Competition Agreement WTO License Restriction Results Client requires more involvement of PCO in sales and marketing Sponsors demand unique sponsorship packages and ROI models e.g.) Business Matchmaking
2. Traditional Way to Draw Commercial Partners Case Study Medical Remarks As of 2007 (Preparatory Year) Fair Competition Agreement did not exist As of 2008 (Action Year) Fair Competition Agreement was imposed Package-oriented sponsorship to alternative sponsorships (Refer to the next slides)
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Alternative Sponsorships
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Alternative Sponsorships
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Case Study Association Remarks Alternative ways Utilize Conference Materials Publish advertisement Exposure sponsor logo on CD Appoint Celebrity as PR Ambassador Draw more public attention
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Case Study Association Remarks Alternative ways VIP Gala Dinner Sponsor exposure opportunity to the VIPs Utilize Conference Materials Provide lunch boxes Logo display on the event website Utilize Conference Materials Provide complimentary T-Shirts for the event volunteers
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Case Study Association Remarks Concept : Two co-host cities shares the same ponsorship packages Profit Sharing Methods : Self-sufficient policy, however, Seoul decide to give financial aids to Barcelona Results : Seoul granted $3,000 to Barcelona
3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Strategies Build up feasible contents of each category Long-term Investment, CSR, Side-Events, New Tools Categories the same field of events and make a list of prospective sponsors Different target, different approach strategy Target Setting Contents Building Tailor-made Prospectus Action When everything is ready move it to an action Send out e-mail, make an appointment, give a presentation about new revenue models and contents Understand target sponsors characteristics Reflect and include contents that intrigues prospective ponsors.
PCO 3. New or alternative way to involve commercial partners Objectives LOC-driven sales model PCO-driven sales model Sponsors Request for Sponsorship Consulting PCO LOCs Associations Sponsorship Contents sales and marketing PCOs are now required to have competitive and attractive Sponsorship Packages and Contents in order to get direct revenue from the sales
Provide sponsorship contents that can directly reflect outcomes 4. How can partners maximize ROI Provide sponsorship contents that can directly reflect outcomes Long-term Investment Corporate sponsors directly invest in PCOs under a 5 or 10-year contract and get unlimited sponsorship opportunities of which they selected CSR Sponsors can actively participate in the events and also a great opportunity to build good images and reputation for their business When direct sponsorship is challenged by law it can be an indirect way to get involved New or alternative way Side-Events When the event runs with a big exhibition, some side-event ideas like ‘giveaway gift’ can encourage more visits to each booth. New Tools Thanks to innovative technology and Green Convention Campaign Up-coming convention trend is ‘Paperless’ Through the event mobile app or SNS sponsors can be exposed and advertised.
4. How can partners maximize ROI CASE STUDY Long-term Investment CSR New or alternative way Side-Events New Tools