Kick Your Microsoft® Excel® Habit with Autodesk® PLM 360 Rob Cohee Sr. Manager, Autodesk PLM 360 @robcohee
The “Hangover Session”
The most widely used PLM tool….. Excel Microsoft
How many of you or your colleagues use Microsoft Excel or Access for… Drawing No. or Part No. Records Change Requests NCR’s Bill of Materials New Product Introduction Project Management Supplier\Vendor Management Product Costing Quality and Inspection Requirements Gathering\Specifications Warranty and Returns Regulatory Compliance RMA
86% of new product ideas never make it to market Hard Product Development Facts 86% of new product ideas never make it to market 50-70% of new product introductions fail Almost half of development projects fail to meet objectives The top 25% performing companies achieve 2.5 times performance of the bottom 25% (Deloitte) (Deloitte) (Gartner Group) (Aberdeen Group)
Change Management is a critical process, but rarely executed effectively “An efficient change process can cut up to 33% off of the typical product development cycle time.” (McKinsey & Co) “54% of companies lack a single repository to review, analyze, approve and track changes across products.” (Gartner Group) Engineering change management is a process for controlling the evolution of product design data and associated documentation throughout the product lifecycle. This play focuses on how organizations can utilize PLM 360 to automate their change process such that changes are processed faster and earlier in the product lifecycle driving reduced product development costs, increased innovation and improved product quality. Effective engineering change management can impact top line growth, in addition to providing cost savings and improving product quality.
“Only 39% of a workers time is spent on role specific tasks” “Workers spend on average 28 hours per week composing emails, searching for information & collaborating” “65% of the workday is spent communicating & collaborating with others” “Only 39% of a workers time is spent on role specific tasks” McKinsey Global Institute, 2012
Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4 Function 5 Function 6 7 Function 8 Function 9 Function 10 Function 11 Function 12 Function 13 Function 14 Client 1 Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Contractor 1 Contractor 2 Client 2 Supplier 3 Supplier 4 Contractor 3 Contractor 4 Client 3 Supplier 5 Supplier 6
The People Problems People need access to data 24/7 People need to access data wherever they are Lots of manual interaction Lack of collaboration Path of least resistance is used People are missed People are not always available Differing levels of experience, capability and commitment People forget Too much time spent on NVA activity
The Technology Problems Reliance on (lots of) individual documents People need to create and update documents (time) Data stored in silo’s Little or no data integration (re-use) Documents are quickly out of date (incorrect) No checks and balances Little or no guidance on requirements Difficult to assign security & permissions Difficult to track who is viewing & editing Time consuming to track KPI’s Multiple point solutions High cost of ownership (hardware & software)
Broken Processes Customer Contact Define RFQ Send RFQ to Customer Completes RFQ All Data Received No No Yes Send to Feasibility RFQ Complete Final RFQ Review Initial RFQ Review Yes
The Process Problems Reliance on people to know the process Reliance on people to follow the process Process documents are static visual representations Reliance on people to understand the process Everyone has a different perception of the process No checks and balances Difficult and time consuming for processes to evolve Processes are mainly function specific Processes are a hidden asset Processes start and stop at the front door
Why Excel?
Insanely Configurable.
Kicking the Habit Admit you have a problem. Believe in the power of connected data. Make a decision to change. Commit to making searching for data easier. Admit to using the wrong version of a file. Prepare to remove all defects in processes. Humbly ask to remove all shortcuts. Make a list of the persons harmed, and make amends. Avoid MFG Engineer whilst making amends. Continue taking personal inventory, transition off xls promptly. Seek through meditation areas for continuous improvement. Spread the benefits to your co-workers.
The Challenge
RMA Supplier ECR Project Cost Cost to Change Inspections ECO
Surround the Items with the Supporting Processes New Product Introduction Quality Quote & Costing Engineering Supplier Management Change Management Service &Support Customers have gravitated toward this product centric approach with PLM 360. Beginning at the Item and BOM level with implementations, then adopting the supporting processes as the need requires. Most often – Change Management, Supplier Management and Quality Management.
Breaking Down the Data Item Number Description Reason for Return Disposition Cost
Breaking Down the Data Item Number Description Vendor Data Contract Data Cost
The First Steps Determine its purpose in life.
Align Intent to Features
Connect the Data
Build Reports
Let’s Build Something!