Road to Revolution Hooray! The French and Indian war is over! We won! Name: ________________________ Item # _________ Hooray! The French and Indian war is over! We won! Proc. Of 1763 Would bar settlements west of Appalachians on Indian lands, to protect colonists from invading Indians; to protect Frontier line, colonists to pay 1/3 of 1,000,000 annual cost. American reaction: “Unfair!” for 2 reasons: land part of original charter; & we want no standing army during peacetime! 1764 SugarAct Taxed Sugar & molasses, to produce revenue. Smugglers to be tried in Admiralty Courts w/o jury. Colonial reaction: Claimed that “taxation w/o representation was tyranny! “And so were trials w/o juries!” Stamp Act of 1765 Required stamps for all Publications& _official documents. Colonists: 1) Sons of Liberty persuaded thru intimidations. 2) Virginia Resolves written to deny Parliament’s right to tax Virginia. 3) 9 colonies sent delegates to NYC to protest. Agreed to boycott all British Goods. Townshend Acts of 1767 British added revenues (taxes) on tea, glass, lead, paper, paint. Enacted strict customs enforcement including Writs of Assistance (non-specific search warrants). American Reaction: John Dickinson said that “external taxes to regulate trade were illegal.” Claimed that Writs of Assistance violated English Rights to sanctity of home, not to have them searched w/o a warrant. 1766 Events Britain repealed Stamp Act but passed Declaratory Act: stated that Parliament could make laws binding colonists “in all cases whatsoever” Quartering Act of 1765 Required colonists to quarter (house & feed) British troops in America. American reaction: Angry at loss of privacy and the cost. March 5, 1770 First, Townshend Duties repealed, except on Tea, kept to show that Parliament & King George III still boss. Second, the Boston Massacre, when 5 colonists were shot by British soldiers at customs house while demonstrating Sam Adams & Paul Revere use it for propaganda. 1768 4,000 British troops were assigned to Boston to ensure orderly customs collections. Over
Coercive Acts of 1774; AKA Intolerable Acts Tea Act of 1773 Parliament tried to bail out British East India Co., near bankruptcy because of 17million pounds of tea, by granting a monopoly on America tea market. (This was a result of Americans’ boycotts of British tea). American Reaction: On Dec 16, 1773, Bostonians disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea into Boston harbor. 1772-1774 Sam Adams of Boston helped Boston & 80 other MA towns organize Committees of Correspondence to spread word. By 1774, an inter-colonial info network existed to unite colonies 1770-1773 A calm period while King George III and Lord North tried to avoid Provocation of colonists Quebec Act of 1774 1. Extended Quebec‘s boundaries to Ohio & Mississippi Rivers. 2. Gave Catholic Church_ preferred status & sanctioned French law of trial w/o juries! Coercive Acts of 1774; AKA Intolerable Acts MA punished thru 4 acts: closed Boston’s port; deprived MA of self government; allowed British officials to be tried in England for crimes committed here; issued a stronger Quartering Act for all colonies. Sept. 5 - Oct. 26, 1774 First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to protest. April 19, 1775 WAR