The Kids Are Alright vs. The Kids Are Not Alright
not alright because of… Drugs Bad Parenting Bad Schools TV / Movies / Pop Culture Divorce GMC (General Moral Decline)
“There is something wrong with the teenage brain!”
“the young are heated by Nature as drunken men by wine” Aristotle
“Teenagers do risky things because they feel invulnerable”
“Teenagers do risky things because they feel invulnerable”
Risky behavior “The importance of risking everything To me, an entrepreneur is anyone who risks everything to follow his or her passion. Period. The key ingredient is “Risk everything.” All in, no going back, no plan B, sell your house if it doesn’t work. This is not easy. This single element – EVERYTHING – separates the entrepreneurs from the business owners. (Being an entrepreneur simply means risking everything, whether its taking a new job, joining an NGO, or starting a business. Risk everything.) Only those that are totally passionate, slightly crazy and truly believe in their ability to make a difference can do this. And it’s a lot easier when you’re young and don’t have responsibilities like kids and a mortgage.”
The teenage Brain?
“raging hormones”
“Teenagers are X.” Black people are X. Old people are X. Try… Black people are X. Old people are X. Women are all X.
centers for disease control 2014
An epidemic of teen suicide?
USA Suicide rates, ages 15-19: 1950-2013
USA Suicide rates, ages 15-19: 2003-2013
Alabama Suicide Rates BY AGE GROUP, 2012
Alabama Suicide Rates, 2012
Alabama Suicide rates, ages 15-19: 2003-2013
An epidemic of teen violence?
USA Homicides, rates, victims’ ages 15-19: 1950-2010
USA Homicides, rates, victims’ ages 15-19: 2003-2013
Juvenile crime
USA MOTOR VEHICLE FATALITIES, rates, ages 15-19: 1950-2013
Teen birth rate women ages 15-19: 1950-2010
Substance abuse: high school seniors, 30 day use, 1980-2012
alcohol abuse: high school seniors, 30-day use, 1980-2012
Binge drinking (5+ drinks), by age, 2012
The question isn’t whether teenagers make bad decisions The question isn’t whether teenagers make bad decisions. It’s whether they make them because they are teenagers or because they are human beings.
Why we shouldn’t be complacent.
Clinical Depression vs. “normal Adolescent moodiness” Severity Duration Domains
Clinical Depression vs. “normal Adolescent moodiness” Severity. Symptoms of teen depression changes in mood (anger, sadness, irritability) behaviors (sleeping or eating more or less than usual, taking drugs or alcohol, acting out; withdrawing from friends and family) feelings (loneliness, insecurity, apathy), thoughts (hopelessness, worthlessness, thoughts of suicide) The more pronounced these symptoms, the more likely that the problem is depression & not a passing mood.
Clinical Depression vs. “normal Adolescent moodiness” Duration. Any notable deterioration in behavior or mood that lasts two weeks or longer, without a break, may indicate major depression.
Clinical Depression vs. “normal Adolescent moodiness” Domains. Problems noticed in several areas of a teen’s functioning — at home, in school, and in interactions with friends — may indicate a mood disorder rather than a bad mood related to a particular situation.
G. Stanley Hall (1904) “Storm and Stress” inevitable in adolescence.
Albert Bandura (1964) research showed most adolescents do not consider their adolescent years as particularly stormy. Also: the mass media rarely presented adolescents as being anything but stormy which created a skewed view of development
Teenagers’ undeveloped brains mean they are impulsive and not ready to make mature decisions. ??
So, what’s really going on?
A huge, necessary, and fairly long nervous system UPGRADE A huge, necessary, and fairly long nervous system UPGRADE. A massive reorganization from 12 to 25.
Pruning and myelinization
More myelin (white matter): Allows MUCH faster nerve transmission More myelin (white matter): Allows MUCH faster nerve transmission. (100X)
Dendrites get “twiggier”: more branching and more outreach.
Synapses: Heavily used ones get strengthened Synapses: Heavily used ones get strengthened. Less-used ones get “pruned.” Pruning in the cerebral cortex (thinking!) gets the brain more specialized and more efficient.
Emerging positive understanding Robert Epstein “The Case Against Adolescence”(2008) “THE TEENAGE BRAIN” concept ignores individual differences
The ESSENCE of adolescence Daniel Siegel “Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Human Brain” (2008) Brain changes in adolescence are necessary for shifts in thinking, feeling, interacting, decision-making.
The ESSENCE of adolescence Feature Necessary because… Downside… ES: Emotional Spark Emotion is close to core of being human emotional storms SE: Social Engagement supportive relationships are a key factor associated with medical and mental health, longevity, happiness negative peer influences, too early withdrawal from relations with adults N: Novelty-Seeking courage to leave the familiar & certain risk-taking behavior, injury, legal trouble CE: Creative Exploration discovery and exploration of new interests departure from conformity is stressful
Is there a better time for this period of development than adolescence?
what do teenagers need? Recognition that they individuals, not a member of a collective.
what do teenagers need? Respect.
what do teenagers need? Presumption of good intentions and capabilities, but sensible limits.
what do teenagers need? An appropriate & every- changing balance of freedom (to explore) and limits (to provide safety.)
Peer support AND more interaction with adults. what do teenagers need? Peer support AND more interaction with adults.
what do teenagers need? Sense of belonging.