James Madison Administration and the War of 1812
Madison Administration Protégé of Thomas Jefferson Father of the Constitution From VA’s planter class 1809-1817, as president Madison sought to continue Jefferson’s agenda His wife, Dolly Madison was seen as a great asset to the administration
War of 1812 Causes The British began to aid the Native Americans The British continued to impress American sailors Congress men from the “west” were pushing for war with G.B. G.B. begins to arm Native Americans led by Tecumseh He along with his brother had created a Native American Confederacy to stop American expansion Congressmen called “War Hawks” called for war, John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay, “On to Canada!”
War of 1812 Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 N.A.’s led by Tecumseh were engaging American forces in the west General William Henry Harrison was sent to end the conflict The Native American confederacy created by Tecumseh and his brother were defeated by Harrison Makes Harrison a war hero
War of 1812 “Mr. Madison’s War” America has problems Following his election to a 2nd term Madison asks Congress for a declaration of war America has problems Unprepared militarily-12 naval ships v. G.B.’s 800 No draft, unorganized militias Financial problems Flooded the market with paper money Trade??? War was popular in the South and West not in New England
War of 1812 The Battle of York U.S. victory (present day Toronto) American forces burn the city
War of 1812 Outside of the Battle of York there were no major U.S. victories The Americans made several attempts to invade Canada and take control but were ultimately unsuccessful
War of 1812 August of 1814 British capture and burn Washington D. C. Madison and his cabinet are forced to evacuate the city Set fire to the Capital and the White House Dolly Madison saves Washington’s portrait
War of 1812 Battle of Fort McHenry British advance on Baltimore Bombard Ft. McHenry in August 1814 Francis Scott Key witnesses the attack from a ship in the harbor and pens the Star Spangled Banner
War of 1812 Discuss secession!!! Hartford Convention December 1814-January 1815 Members of the Federalist Party gather Discuss secession!!!
War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent The war ends in a stalemate, neither sides gains or loses territory
War of 1812 Battle of New Orleans Word of the Treaty of Ghent had not reached New Orleans General Andrew Jackson and his troops engage British at New Orleans Major defeat for the invading British troops Makes Jackson a war hero and extremely famous
Surge in American Nationalism Election of James Monroe The Era of Good Feelings- 1817-1825 One political party- The Republicans dominate politics-Federalists are no longer relevant