Gill Harrison November 2015 CASE accreditors’ experience of accrediting a new graduate entry 2 year accelerated MSc in Medical Ultrasound Gill Harrison November 2015
Aims Overview of the validation process for a new innovative direct entry programme Consider some of the issues to be considered when looking at a new type of programme Will focus more on the issues that are different to the usual format of accreditation, but will briefly mention some of those issues for any new accreditors
Introduction Worked with programme director during development MSc direct entry programme developed Asked to lead the accreditation Worked with programme director during development Documents arrived Introduction 368 pages…..
Role of the lead accreditor - work with programme team Lead accreditor “critical friend” development of programme draft document review highlight concerns early provide advice and support help address issues prior to internal approval & CASE review this will vary depending on the programme team, but it is really helpful if you can work with the team prior to the validation event
Normal issues to consider for any accreditation Documents Clear documents Appropriate programme title(s) Shows evidence of critical review Service user views included (students, clinical staff, other users) Sustainable (funding, student numbers, staffing levels, quality) Programme & modules Clear title and transparent pathway(s) Appropriate & realistic timeframe Relevant modules and learning outcomes (LOs) Core material included & links to national standards (e.g. QAA, NSC) - CASE requirements met? Assessments (range, appropriate for LOs, M-level, clear weighting/compensation etc) Clinical Capacity for training students (staffing levels, range of examinations) Mentor/assessor training provision Support for clinical departments Assessments (should include final competency assessment - pass/fail) & moderation
Your turn Discuss the additional issues you need to consider when reviewing a direct entry ultrasound programme 5-10 minutes note key issues feedback
Additional considerations Capacity : University Addition to current programmes? Staffing for additional programme Basic clinical skills / simulation Capacity: Clinical No. students can be accommodated? (? additional to current provision) No. placements for DE? Impact on others? (current Pg students, O&G) Support for clinical dept. Mentor training On-going support (link lecturer visits) Dealing with issues (FtP, professionalism, changing placements)
Additional considerations Academic provider & CASE need protection, by ensuring potential students are aware Additional considerations Admissions Robust process How identify core skills? (Values based recruitment: respect & dignity, team work, compassion etc) Clinical dept. involvement ?Hand-eye co-ordination assessment Entry qualifications Funding -departments -students Will overseas applicants be accepted Occupational health, DBS etc Admissions - info Understand lack of registration with PSRB e.g. HCPC Extended working days Ensure good awareness of the role and career choice VBR: working together for patients respect and dignity commitment to quality care compassion improving lives everyone counts
Additional considerations Curriculum Cross teaching with current course? LOs show development during programme Mandatory training (University responsibility) Student Background Student background experience. How will team deal with this? - Basic anatomy - imaging procedures - health care processes Monitoring How ID failing students? Options for extending training? Options for exit awards?
Summary Does it meet CASE requirements? Consider specific issues relating to new programme development Don’t be prescriptive (unless CASE requirement) Supportive process Encourage innovation & new ideas Suggest enhancements to help programme team